Do Everything Without Complaining


“The fallen tendency to grumble does harm to everyone and everything it touches – families, schools, businesses, churches.” - P&D


Choosing to live joyfully is a discipline


“Many of these situations are completely out of our control. Yet our perspective, the way we choose to approach or react to them, is up to us. Will we focus on the bad news, health and financial challenges, political unrest and other difficulties we are surrounded by?” - Sally Clarkson


Lovers of Truth in an Age of Nonsense


“…many Christians have blasted past rightful skepticism into nonsensical fear-mongering. They assume the worst of others, and they see conspiracies and evil under every bush.” - P&D


Peace of Mind in a Rapidly Changing World


“Working in a fast-moving world can cause great anxiety if our sense of security is found in the wrong places. Markets change, governments rise and fall, and this instability can bring discouragement if our highest hope is placed in these institutions.” - TIFWE


Five Psalms to Pray When the Wicked Prosper


“Prayer doesn’t usually change our situation immediately, but it changes us. We grow in trust of our sovereign God, and take refuge that ‘the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment’ (2 Peter 2:9).” - K. Halloran


Discernment in 2021: Tips for Better Use of Sources (Part 1)

“Discernment” is shorthand for the skill of identifying what’s good, right, true and most important from among inferior alternatives. The fact that discernment requires a maturing process through “training” (Heb. 5:14) tells us that these inferior alternatives often seem superior. It also tells us we can get better at it.

Good thing! People have instant access to more claims and counter-claims than at any time in human history. Christians need discernment more than ever before.


The Depressing Dead End of ‘Your Truth’


“Our post­-truth age pitches the individual self as the primary source of truth: ‘follow your heart,’ ‘live your truth,’ and so forth….Institutions now exist to merely affirm us, not to form us.” - Brett McCrackin
