Advent Meditation: Sigh No More


“In our day, we can relate to the experience of ‘ransom captive Israel,’ who mourned ‘in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear.’ As Israel waited—in bondage to suffer­ing, sin, pain, and injustice—so we wait now.” - TGC


Think About Such Things: Whatever Is Lovely


“Every year in the garden I witness life and death—and life again. And every season I watch God work in the mundane and the minuscule; my small garden whispers how wonderful he must be in the grand and glorious.” - TGC


How It Ends, Part 1: Taking the Long View


“There are significant arguments, as we would expect, over the path we follow to get there…but the main truths of how it ends are pretty clear. And thus it’s equally clear how we should live now in light of where we’re headed.” - Olinger


Why Do We Need Apologetics?


“We might feel that apologetics is best left to the experts. But Peter is clear that every Christian must be “prepared to make a defense” of the faith (1 Peter 3:15).” - Ref21
