2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 3
General Session 2: Departures (James 4:4)—Sam Horn
Sam Horn earned B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in New Testament Exegesis at Bob Jones University. In 1996, he joined the staff at Northland Baptist Bible College in Dunbar, Wisconsin. He is also pastor of Brookside Baptist Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin.
2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 2
General Session 1: The Wisdom of God vs. the Wisdom of This Age
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
The opening session of the conference began simply with prayer, two hymns, and a musical ensemble. Dave Doran delivered the first address.
2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 1
Each fall, Inter-City Baptist Church (Allen Park, MI) and Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary host the Mid-America Conference on Preaching (MACP). This year’s event is being held October 16-17.
The Bible Faculty Leadership Summit
Book Review: God's Harvard
Rosin, Hanna. God’s Harvard: A Christian College on a Mission to Save America. San Diego: Harcourt, 2007. Hardcover, 304 pages. $25.00
Was I Really Ready?
by Jeff Straub
College Summer Ensembles: Ministry or Marketing?
by Eric Lovik
I have always looked forward to summers because that’s when a lot of college groups travel through the area. To me, there is something very refreshing about seeing and hearing young men and women sing, act, and play instruments for the Lord. I’ve learned so much about colleges, even the ones I’ve never visited, just by seeing a group perform at my church or at one nearby.