How Then Shall We Preach?
Should students be taught a single approach to expositional preaching?
For almost two thousand years, expositors have been answering the clarion call of Paul to “Preach the Word” (2 Tim. 4:2). Even a cursory review of history demonstrates that God has gifted his church (Eph. 4:11–13) with a host of faithful expositors. Men like Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Augustine, John Chrysotom, John Wyclif, Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin each proclaimed the Word to their generation. Puritans like Richard Baxter, John Owen, Thomas Manton and John Bunyan are also noteworthy.
Eastern Mennonite University & Goshen College Withdraw from CCCU
While it has “never adopted specific creedal or doctrinal tests for its members and affiliates,” the CCCU stated it “only advocates for ‘principles of religious freedom, which allow Christian colleges to hire based on religion and to only employ individuals who practice sexual relations within the boundaries of marriage between a man and a&nbs
How Small Colleges Can Not Only Survive, But Thrive
“The university now follows a discipline advocated by Peter Drucker many years ago; the first rule of strategy is to abandon activities that require the resources of personnel or money, indeed even time, if they are no longer productive enough.” How Small Colleges Can … Thrive
'Broken' Ergun Caner Resigns as President of Brewton-Parker College
“[T]his position demands a person’s full attention and full strength. At the moment, I have neither. When Braxton died, a part of me died as well.”
Bible Colleges in the 21st Century (Part 2)
From Voice, Nov/Dec 2014. Used by permission. Read part 1.
Most of the innovations sweeping higher education are products of the Internet that is quickly transforming virtually everything and making our entire world more global, mobile, social, visual and digital.
The world of work is increasingly international. As more and more companies move to the global marketplace, it is common for work teams to span continents and be culturally diverse. Working from his home country of St. Vincent, a West Indian pastor/graphic artist designed the current Piedmont logo. That seemed most appropriate to me as we added “International” to our school name and featured the curvature of the earth in the logo.