Mattel launches gender-fluid dolls


“Mattel’s new gender-fluid Creatable World doll can be harmful to children confused about their gender and will likely flop on the market, Christian experts told Baptist Press.” - BPNews


Why We Need a Children’s Book About Death


“Four years ago, Jonny and I wouldn’t have chosen to read this book to our son, either. We certainly wouldn’t have chosen for its story to become a reality in Ben’s world.” - TGC


Explainer: What's happening with children at the southern border?


“At the center of the government’s policies toward child migrants is a 1997 consent decree known as the Flores Settlement Agreement. Flores directs that children who are unaccompanied or who have been removed from their parents during the process of immigrating are to be transferred to a licensed facility within three to five days of apprehension, and a max of 20 days during times of emergency influx” - ERLC


Employees Quit NHS Transgender Clinic over Kids’ Experimental Treatments


“The five former clinicians at the Gender Identity Development Service…expressed their concerns to the British daily The Times. Each of them was part of a team charged with deciding whether patients as young as three should be prescribed hormone blockers to prevent the onset of puberty.
