Taking a Stand Against Canadian Law and Culture


“While I see some precedent in the Scripture for exercising individual legal rights (Paul under arrest by the Romans, for example), I find no precedent for church involvement in any attempt to influence government in any way. The New Testament, as far as I know, gives no mandate for political activism.” - Don Johnson


A Threat to Ministry in Canada


“What does Bill C-4 criminalize? Why have some Canadians objected to (or applauded) the language of the bill? And why are Christians worried about aspects of the bill’s language?” - TGC


Hold Together, Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Christians


“…the Province of New Brunswick now allows their provincial passport system to apply to churches on a voluntary basis. If a church can prove that it has 90% of its congregation vaccinated, then they can meet without physical distancing (and more).” - Wyatt Graham


Thinking About a Pastor in a Canadian Jail


“To answer these questions, I think we need to understand something about how Canadian law works and something about the circumstances of this particular case. When we grasp these matters, I am confident that we will have a good idea how to proceed.” - Don Johnson


Master’s Seminary Pastor Jailed in Canada


“In November, Canadian health officials began showing up at Grace Life worship gatherings, recording the number of attendees, those who were not wearing masks, and social distancing. This continued each Sunday for about three months.” - Cripplegate


COVID-19 and the Struggle for Worship in Canada


“The article is simply intended to alert American believers of the shuttering of places of worship in Canada that seems more stringent than similar closures in the United States…. many American evangelicals have limited or no knowledge of churches to our north who are facing similar or more rigorous restrictions from various parts of the Canadian government.
