What’s a Trade War and How Did We (Canada) End Up In One?


“A tariff is a tax that is levied on goods exported by one country and imported by another. This tax is charged to the importer in the destination country and paid to that country’s government. Hence, when President Trump instituted tariffs on all goods crossing from Canada to the United States, it is American businesses that now have to pay a 25% tax and remit it to the U.S.


Is the political philosophy of America's founders to blame for our cultural mess? Consider Canada


“it is illuminating to compare the United States and Canada, which share a continent and have their origin in America’s revolution 250 years ago. One accepted what may plausibly be called [classical] liberalism and the other rejected it. Hence, with many caveats, they can provide useful points of comparison, and give a cautionary tale.” - Providence


What is Liberty Coalition Canada up to?


“Working alongside Liberty Coalition Canada are dozens of churches across the country, a number of small media outlets and at least one well-funded think-tank…. Several Canadian pastors in the movement also have ties to a controversial branch of evangelical Christianity in the U.S. known as reconstructionism.” - CBC


Canadian Christians Launch Collective for Climate Action


“To kick off this partnership, they conducted a survey of 742 Canadian Christians between the ages of 18 and 40 to learn more about what they currently think concerning climate change and how the church is already doing at addressing the issue.” - CToday


The Point: New Canadian Law Denies Some People Exist


“The lack of science behind this law is staggering…. there’s not a single study showing harm from so-called ‘transgender conversion therapy.’ It could, in fact, be desperately needed, since up to 80 percent of minors with gender dysphoria will desist at puberty.” - Breakpoint
