They’re Our Parties and I’ll Cry If I Want To


“as Yuval Levin points out in his new book, American Covenant … ‘weaker parties … mean more intense partisanship.’ Why this should be so, and how we reached this pass, are best answered by a tour through some classic books on the parties.” - Public Discourse


Review of 'How to Read a Book' by Andrew Naselli


“Principle two seems to be the most important as it is interwoven throughout many (if not all) of the others. Naselli identifies three separate types of reading: surveying, macro-reading, and micro-reading.” - DBTS Blog


The Complicated History of Evangelicals & Slavery


“Sean McGever’s Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield seeks to shed light on this complex subject, focusing on three of American evangelicalism’s three most influential figures” - Providence


Heresy presented as mercy


“In The Widening of God’s Mercy, the father and son team now offer a call for the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the Church and its ministry…. a book released almost 30 years ago by the elder Hays, The Moral Vision of the New Testament, is one of the most-cited works of New Testament scholarship that presents a clear argument that the Bible condemns homosexual behaviors.” - World


In Praise of Plodders


“Such daily showing up, Dyck argues, may not look like much at first glance, but it is quietly revolutionary. It is the key for healthy marriage and family life, for building friendships, and for growing spiritually.” - Mere Orthodoxy
