New Book—Bibliology for Beginners: What Does the Bible Say about the Bible?
“I’ve just released a very short book on bibliology that is not intended to break new ground but rather to help beginners step firmly onto biblical ground.
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“I’ve just released a very short book on bibliology that is not intended to break new ground but rather to help beginners step firmly onto biblical ground.
“Though the future is uncertain, Green writes, ‘God is in control.’ Hobby Lobby’s leaders ‘are doing all they can to balance the need to keep the Company strong and the need of employees,’ he writes, adding that ‘we may all have to ‘tighten our belts’ over the near future.’” - Church Leaders
“One of the doctrinal errors I warn our church about is found in the New Hampshire Baptist Confession of 1833. It says, ‘We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired…’ According to 2 Timothy 3:16, God inspired the ‘graphe’ or Scriptures, not the men.” - P&D
By Jordan Standridge. Reposted from The Cripplegate.
We’ve all had incredible experiences.
Whether it is catching a big fish, or winning a big game, or, more seriously, witnessing the birth of your child or thinking back to your wedding day.
Stanley is correct that the church has at times incorrectly understood the Old Testament and in some cases has used the Old Testament to subjugate and coerce others. Rather than discussing the hermeneutical mistakes and complexities that led to abuses, Stanley simply posits that the entire Old Testament is now fulfilled and should be detached from the New Testament.
Republished with permission from Baptist Bulletin © Regular Baptist Press. All rights reserved.
“Since [Kant’s] time Christians have been pushing back against what became, and in Kant’s train remains today, methodological atheism in biblical studies. Enns simply embraces the thesis that the Bible’s God-talk is necessarily no more than futile ancient efforts (heavily redacted and embellished) to articulate the ineffable.” - TGC
“I actually think I benefit from not becoming too attached to one particular format of my Bible. Changing translations, medium and format keeps my approach fresh and focused on what actually makes the Bible powerful.” - Proclaim & Defend
“To say that God’s Word is the foundation for all knowledge is to claim that Scripture must be the underlying basis or principle through which facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education are ultimately interpreted. This is the basis for ‘thinking Christianly.’” - Acton
A Clear and Present Word is the 21st volume in the “New Studies in Biblical Theology” series which now extends to 45 volumes. This volume is dedicated to the doctrine of perspicuity (or the Bible’s clarity). From Eve’s wicked interlocutor in the garden to the present day, there has been a reechoing “Has God really said?”