Hard Evidence for a Supernatural Book, Part 3: Too Many Cooks

Read the series.

And so we come to the evidence: objective evidence that the Bible is, um, unnatural, extraordinary, not like any other books. I’d suggest two lines of such evidence; we’ll look at the first one today, and a related topic later in the week. Next week, we’ll get to Door Number 2.


Why Do People Reject the Bible?

Why do people reject the Bible? Is it because it makes extravagant claims which can be easily debunked? At one stage I thought so. But as I got older I slowly began to realize that such wasn’t the case.

When I was fishing around the New Age, I deliberately avoided reading my Bible. It was only after I found myself in a spiritual desert that God said, “Enough is enough,” and took over. I avoided the Bible because I suspected it contained truth. If that was the case, I would be compelled to change my lifestyle. So I kept looking elsewhere.


5 Recommended Resources on Inspiration and Inerrancy


“The following resources, curated by the Ligonier editorial team, seek to answer these eternally significant questions and build confidence that the Bible is the final and authoritative Word of God.” - Ligonier


Inerrancy: Recent Overview and a Review


Among other things, a look at the importance of Westminster Theological Seminary and Vern Poythress’ Inerrancy and the Gospels in the defense of the doctrine of inerrancy. - Ref21


“Christ in All the Scriptures“ ?


“…please do discover in Scripture all the things concerning Christ, but do not find things concerning Christ directly in every verse of Scripture. Your credibility depends on your successful discernment of the two.” - Snoeberger


Updating the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy: A Proposal


“…should we concur with Geisler that the CSBI is in no need of revision? Has there been no positive advance in the doctrine of Scripture since 1978 that may help strengthen the CSBI for future theological and ecclesial use?” - TGC
