The Bible as Story (Part 1)


“Given how fundamental and universal the concept of story is, it seems remarkable that the nearly universal emphasis on viewing Scripture as a storyline is a relatively recent development in biblical theological studies. And yet the basic idea has actually been around for a long time.” - Theology in 3D


Was the Bible Written by Humans?


“I’ve heard critics of biblical inerrancy say, ‘I believe the Bible was written by human beings, not God.’ This statement shows a fundamental ignorance of what people who affirm biblical inspiration and inerrancy actually believe.” - Randy Alcorn


What You Teach About Matthew’s Date Matters

Pastor, at some point this year you will be providing background context for the NT passage which you are about to preach, guiding your flock in properly visualizing the world of Jesus and the apostles, so that your people might better connect with the passage and also apply the background framework in their own studies. What will you teach them concerning the origin of the Gospels?

My goal in this article is to encourage you to pause and reflect on what will be said concerning the publication date of Matthew’s Gospel.


Sufficiency: Everything We Need for Godliness


“But note what the verse doesn’t say: that believers will get step-by-step instructions for every decision in life, only that they will be ‘equipped.’ That’s what we mean when we say that while sufficiency is ‘comprehensive,’ applicable to every area of life, it is not ‘exhaustive.’” - Seminary Viewpoints


Does Psalm 12:6–7 Promise Perfect Copies of the Bible?


“Defenders of exclusive use of the King James Version… frequently appeal to Psalm 12:6-7 as a proof text for their doctrine that God promised perfectly pure preservation of the Hebrew and Greek texts of Scripture.” - Mark Ward
