ERLC urges Biden to include faith input on Artificial Intelligence


“In a letter … the ERLC’s acting president, told Biden including leaders of faith communities on federal advisory bodies would help guarantee that religious liberty and freedom of expression are priorities in such issues as artificial intelligence” - BPNews


How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel


“As a technologist in the field, I am intrigued by the cleverness in designs and algorithms of various AI disciplines advancing the world every day. However, I take issue with making super intelligence that out-performs humans the ultimate goal of AI. ” - CToday


ERLC's Thacker writes: AI 'must be wielded with wisdom'


“Followers of Jesus need not fear artificial intelligence but should realize its continuing development calls for biblical thinking regarding its potential benefits and threats to humanity, a Southern Baptist ethicist writes in a new book.” - BPNews


“As we increasingly interact with intelligent machines, will they be responsible to make up for our failures?”


“What if this is a metaphor for our autonomy in general? We humans like to talk about human ingenuity as our own greatest hope. We’re confident that if we work together we can solve society’s worst problems. We’ll even pretend that we can deliver the planet. But we’d also like to keep the argument in our back pocket that when things go badly wrong God should have done something.


AI, sentience and human life


“Whether or not God could give a sentient machine or a human clone a soul is a different question….The unique description of humans as created in the image of God should lead us to think it highly unlikely that a machine or a clone would receive similar status.” - BPNews
