Are Humans Using AI to Build a Modern Tower of Babel?


“That ancient desire to be like God is so clearly replicated in today’s artificial intelligence technology that lots of Scripture readers have drawn the link. ‘How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel,’ read a headline at Christianity Today. At World, David Bahnsen wrote ‘AI and the Tower of Babel.’” - TGC


How Much Human Oversight of Autonomous Weapons is Necessary?


“Long before James Cameron’s Terminator and Stanley Kubrick’s H.A.L. 9000, there was Prometheus…. The theme of playing God resulting in horrible unintended consequences runs through the Western canon, including the Golem of Jewish mythology…and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.” - Providence


Preserving Our Identity as Makers


“Welsh poet David Jones lamented decades ago the sacrifice of our divinely inspired vocation as artists and makers to machines. The advent of AI threatens to hasten this decline.” - Acton


Should Christian Higher Ed Be Worried About AI?


“When I first read about a large language model called “ChatGPT” from OpenAI, I knew that my life as the dean of the School of Theology at Colorado Christian University had forever changed.” - Word by Word


Here’s What Happens When You Explain Artificial Intelligence to U.S. Adults


“Before reading Barna’s explanation of AI, over half of survey respondents (51%) describe AI as ‘concerning.’ After the explanation, this number reduces to 42 percent. Similarly, we see decreases in the number of people who say AI is scary, untrustworthy and disconnecting people” -Barna


Artificial Intelligence: Tool, Image Bearer, or Temptation?


“Presuppositions….We agree with Jason Thacker that ‘Technology is amoral but acts as a catalyst that expands the opportunities for humanity to pursue. It is not good or evil in itself but can be designed and used for good and evil purposes.’” - Christ Over All
