Why They Hate Reagan—the Movie and the Man

Ronald Reagan was elected president when I was in sixth grade, then reelected when I was a sophomore in high school—serving until my sophomore year in college.

In my naiveté, I guess I thought he’d be there forever—either him or, at least, someone much like him. How dreadfully wrong I was.

Reagan’s story has now come back to life on the big screen and reminded us once again of this larger-than-life portrait of Americana.


The Shift in Churches Caused by 9/11


“While there was a temporary rise in church attendance, the numbers soon returned to pre-9/11 levels. The immediate increase in attendance did not translate into a sustained commitment to religious practices or beliefs.” - Church Answers


The Acceptance Stage of Lost Evangelical Influence


“Evangelical rage makes for great TV; infantile evangelical leaders coming unhinged attract a lot of clicks. It is thus no surprise that the bulk of media attention has been trained on evangelical fits of outrage, victimhood, and lament over the emergence of a post-Christian America.” - Christianity Today


Americans grow more liberal on moral issues, more concerned about moral values


Gallup: “U.S. adults are more likely than ever to see abortion, suicide, and polygamy as morally acceptable. In addition, married men and women having an affair, divorce, stem cell research using human embryos, having a child outside of marriage and sex between teenagers are near their highest levels of public acceptability.” - Baptist Press


What's Wrong with a "Rule of Life"?


“Are the interests of our time dictating what is of greatest interest to us? If so, then surrender to God’s rule, not reinvention of our own, is the order of the day.” - Mere Orthodoxy


Mapping US Divorce Rates


“Couples who practice the Christian faith seriously and the disciplines and values it teaches face a substantially decreased life-time risk of divorce, some by as much as 30 to 50% reduced risk relative to the general population.” - Daily Citizen


Plundering the Mercenaries: On Knowing What Time It Is


“Something is different. But I contend that it’s not that different…. ‘What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun’ (Eccl. 1:9)…. Even as the world is chaotic, we can be calm, friendly, and convictional in its midst.” - London Lyceum


What Ever Happened to the ‘Nones’?


“Perhaps this signals an opportunity to recommit and rebuild after the ‘Great De-Churching,’ evangelizing a society that has moved from consciously rejecting Christianity to just not thinking much about it. But to do that…. we need to understand when and why the ‘nones’ left.” - Breakpoint
