George Barna: Most Christians don't know what a disciple is


“Prominent Christian researcher George Barna spoke at the Family Research Council’s Pray, Vote, Stand Summit Friday, discussing his new book Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul.” - CPost


Confronting Pluralism: Can Salvation Be Saved?


“We must address this problem head-on, explaining to our congregations why Western culture is pluralistic. Without diving too deeply into the philosophical weeds, I teach my church about Kant’s separation of faith from knowledge.” - Lifeway


How Comfortable Are Americans with LGBTQ Friends?


“Those with a close personal relationship to someone who is transgender are only slightly more comfortable with learning that a friend is transgender (62%) than those who know an acquaintance who is transgender (57%)… one-third of those who don’t know anybody who is transgender say they would be comfortable learning that a friend is transgender (32%).” - PRRI


Images of the Image of God: Thoughts on ‘The Chosen’ Series


“Everyone knows reading the Harry Potter saga is infinitely better than watching the films. So also the Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a medium of communication, the show falls short of its goal….TV is not more influential than the written or spoken word.” - DBTS Blog
