Cultural vs Believing Christianity


“There is a sense that this talk about cultural Christianity is a refreshing change. Sociologists and educational leaders have been declaring Christianity the scourge of the planet for decades…. The problem is that a return to a cultural, but unbelieving, Christianity is not enough.” - P&D


5 kinds of American evangelicals and their voting patterns


“evangelicals have been regarded as a uniform, monolithic group… and that they are a reliable conservative voting bloc. As a scholar of American religion who has studied the evangelical movement for over 30 years, I was dissatisfied with this interpretation.” - The Conversation


Are “Deaths of Despair” Really Caused by Despair?


“Investigating the traditional ‘deaths of despair,’ Ruhm finds that a one standard deviation increase in poor mental health increases drug deaths by about 2.5% and alcohol deaths by 3.4%; suicide deaths, surprisingly, increase by only about 0.6%. …large predicted increases in other causes: heart disease, lower respiratory disease, and homicides.” - IFS


Toxic Phones—or a Toxic Culture?


“That is the argument I make in the new edition of my book (October 1) The Collapse of Parenting: namely, that the problems American kids are experiencing are not solely due to smartphones per se, but to an increasingly toxic American youth culture.” - IFS
