Pew Research: Striking findings from 2024


“Here’s a look back at 2024 through 14 of our most striking research findings. These are just a small slice of the Center’s many research publications from this year.” - Pew


Yes, Vote, but Resist the Political Illusion


“Though all elections have consequences—some more than others… they reflect more than they determine. Their outcomes matter, at times greatly. Still, these outcomes result from larger trajectories.” - Breakpoint


To Renew Culture, Give Up Control


“social media, newsletters, podcasts, YouTube, and more have given consumers the ability to curate their information sources to their exact ideological preferences. And yet, many people report lower trust in the information they get.” - The Dispatch


“In 2021, more than 50% of [American] couples met online.”


“The ‘How Couples Meet and Stay Together’ (HCMST) project tracks trends in American dating and marriage over time….the HCMST project has compiled and analyzed demographic and relationship information from more than 5,000 American couples since 2009.” - Daily Citizen
