Plundering the Mercenaries: On Knowing What Time It Is


“Something is different. But I contend that it’s not that different…. ‘What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun’ (Eccl. 1:9)…. Even as the world is chaotic, we can be calm, friendly, and convictional in its midst.” - London Lyceum


What Ever Happened to the ‘Nones’?


“Perhaps this signals an opportunity to recommit and rebuild after the ‘Great De-Churching,’ evangelizing a society that has moved from consciously rejecting Christianity to just not thinking much about it. But to do that…. we need to understand when and why the ‘nones’ left.” - Breakpoint


Corporations Are Backing Off of DEI


“Admitting that something is no longer ‘business critical or smart’ means acknowledging that customers have rejected the bold, in-your-face social agendas that permeate so many corporations.” - Breakpoint


Reasons adults give for not having children


“About four-in-ten adults ages 50 and older who never had children (38%) say there was a time when they wanted to have them. About a third (32%) say they never wanted to have children, while a quarter say they weren’t sure whether or not they wanted to do so.” - Pew
