Public’s Trust of Pastors Rebounds Slightly


“The latest Gallup survey of Americans’ opinions and trust of specific occupations found clergy improving from 37% last year to 40% in 2020, marking the first increase in a decade. Overall, medical practitioners dominate the top of the list, with nurses ranked highest (85%) for the 18th straight year.” - Facts & Trends


Why Are So Many Young People Unhappy?


“Though people have more money, better health care, better health, better housing and more education, and live longer than at any time in history, they — especially young people — are unhappier than at any time since data collection began.” - National Review


What the Church Can Do About the Alcohol-Related Death Epidemic


“While the church has more to offer an addict, even many Christians turn to 12-step programs (like Alcoholics Anonymous). Why? According to Dunnington, one reason is that churches aren’t calling people to confess their sins or admit they are sinners” - TGC


New from Pew: “45% of people who attend services at least a few times a year are ‘unsure’ of their clergy’s partisan leanings”


“When politics does come up from the pulpit, a majority of those in the pews (62%) say they agree with their leaders. The political overlap is particularly strong among evangelical Protestants, three-quarters of whom (76%) say they agree with their pastor’s political opinions, the survey found.” - Christianity Today


Non-Deist America? Yes. Christian America? No.


“Both sides of the “Christian America” debate employ the same strategy: posit a world in which everyone is either a Christian or a deist, show the American founders weren’t in your opponent’s camp, and then claim, as a result, that they must’ve been in yours.” - TGC


Quiet Hope: A New Year’s Resolution


“Kass, quoting Irving Kristol, notes that our society has produced ‘a world prosperous beyond all previous imaginings,’ but ‘this world, with every passing decade, has become ever more spiritually impoverished. That war on poverty is the great unfinished task before us.’” - The Public Discourse


Top Stories of 2019–and the Decade


“At the end of every year, the Associated Press polls its reporters and editors to determine the year’s top stories. To help us in looking back, here, in order, are the AP’s top stories of 2019” - Gene Veith


How the 2010s Gave Us Unlimited Choices, but Little Meaning


“The 21st century has given us great abundance and almost unlimited choices but a minimum of meaning. Again, Sacks writes: ‘Science tells us how but not why. Technology gives us power but cannot guide us as to how to use that power.’” - IFWE
