How do Americans view the issue of abortion, really?


“Are we to assume that the majority of Americans, by virtue of their opposition to the overturn of Roe, are necessarily pro-abortion? If we dig a little deeper, public opinion is not as disheartening as these numbers may seem to suggest.” - BPNews


Belief In God Hits New Low in U.S., Now What?


“Most Americans still believe in God, but that majority is shrinking. This presents churches with challenges and opportunities for ministry in the new religious landscape.” - Lifeway


Kids Belong to their Families, not to the State


“Last year, a coalition of organizations, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Policy Alliance, Colson Center, and the Heritage Foundation, teamed up to issue a Promise to America’s Children…. Today, we join again, this time to issue a Promise to America’s Parents.” - Breakpoint


Evangelism in a Post-Christian Culture


“we can’t rely on “hit and run” gospel presentations for effective disciple-making ministry. Times have changed. We need to consider a different approach for engaging unbelievers with the good news of Jesus.” - P&D


Pew: Analysis of political tweets shared by U.S. adults


“62% of tweets that the Center’s analysis identified as political were retweets, with no additional text from the user who shared them….Political tweets from Republicans and Democrats alike are more likely to mention the opposite party than their own.” - Pew
