John MacArthur Wrote a Letter


“we do have to guard against just trying to please the “let ‘em have it” crowd. I am not saying MacArthur is doing this—I commend his letter” - Kevin Schaal


Arizona judge: State can enforce near-total abortion ban


“The judge lifted a decades-old injunction that blocked enforcement of the law on the books since before Arizona became a state. The only exemption to the ban is if the woman’s life is in jeopardy.” - C.Index


Erasing pro-life Christians of color


“A post-Dobbs narrative breezily associates all anti-abortion activism and policies with racism….Of course, pro-lifers know the truth is precisely the opposite. ” - RNS


There Is a Secular Case for Life


“An atheist American can look at the shared humanity of the unborn child and believe it is just and wise to extend legal protections to recognize its immense worth and value. My friend and former National Review colleague Charles C.W. Cooke is an atheist, and he wrote powerfully last year to explain why he’s pro-life.” - David French
