President Biden Calls Aborted Babies Children


“His statement is hard to follow but here’s the point: The president said abortion kills a child—not a clump of cells, not a fetus, not a potential human. A child.” - Breakpoint


Pew: Wide partisan gaps in abortion attitudes, but opinions in both parties are complicated


“The share of Americans who say abortion should be legal in all or most cases is little changed in recent years. But support is higher today than it was a decade ago. In 2012, and throughout much of former President Barack Obama’s administration, only about half of Americans said abortion should always or mostly be legal.” - Pew


Arizona Legislature approves 15-week abortion ban


“The House voted on party lines to outlaw abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, mirroring a Mississippi law now being considered by the nation’s high court.” - RNS


Latest challenge to Texas abortion law defeated


“The Texas Supreme Court on Friday (March 11) effectively ended the primary legal challenge to the Texas law known as SB8, which limits abortion to the first six weeks of pregnancy by allowing private citizens to sue anyone who ‘aids or abets’ an abortion after that time.” - RNS


Senate rejects attempt to expand abortion rights


ERLC’s Chelsea Sobolik: “Senators should be focused on protecting life, not ending preborn lives by bringing one of the most extreme abortion bills in history to the Senate floor” - BPNews


Is Pro-Life only about abortion?


“We are told that being pro-life requires us to adopt very particular views on contestable issues like environmental, criminal justice, social welfare or immigration policies. This argument often fails at a basic logical level, but worse, it often neuters the moral case against abortion and is used by enemies of the church to prove the church’s purported hypocrisy.” - American Reformer
