How do Americans view the issue of abortion, really?


“Are we to assume that the majority of Americans, by virtue of their opposition to the overturn of Roe, are necessarily pro-abortion? If we dig a little deeper, public opinion is not as disheartening as these numbers may seem to suggest.” - BPNews


Abortion is not a ‘Jewish value’ for all Jews


“There are different opinions among reasonably informed people about whether, from a Jewish perspective, Dobbs bodes well or ill…. What isn’t arguable is that our religion considers abortion forbidden in all but rare situations.” - RNS


Do Exodus 22 and Numbers 5 Allow Abortion?


“Brian Bolton, in an article for Freedom from Religion Foundation, seeks to make a case from the Old Testament that the scriptures allow abortion. He does violence to the biblical text in order to make his case and it is important that we debunk such misuse of scripture.” - P&D


Polls: Americans on the Dobbs decision and related topics


NPR/Marist poll: “When asked if they supported the overturning of Roe, 56% of respondents said they didn’t approve of the Dobbs decision.” YouGov poll: “opposition to the Dobbs decision (47%)” Also YouGov: “By a more than 2-1 margin, Americans believe that corporations should remain silent on the issue.” - C.Post


Supreme Court overturns Roe and Casey


“In a 5-4 opinion, the high court overruled the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that struck down all state abortion bans and legalized the procedure throughout the country. The justices also invalidated the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey opinion that affirmed Roe.” - BPNews


Wisconsin Republican lawmakers reject abortion ban repeal


“Wisconsin adopted a ban on abortion except to save the mother’s life in 1849, a year after the territory became a state. The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide nullified the ban.” - C.Index
