Most Americans who consider themselves "pro-choice" favor abortion restrictions


“[M]ore than 8 in 10 Americans (81 percent) … and nearly two-thirds of pro-choice supporters (66 percent), would restrict abortion to — at most — the first three months of pregnancy…..Additionally, 77 percent of Americans, including 79 percent of women and 71 percent of “pro-choice” supporters, say that laws can protect both a mother and her unborn child.”


Senate Fails to Pass 20-Week Abortion Ban


“Known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the bill failed on Tuesday morning to receieve the necessary 60 votes to advance to a vote.” CPost


Planned Parenthood: Symptomatic of a Deeper Problem

During the fiscal years of 2009-2014 alone, Planned Parenthood performed 1,650,024 abortions.1 In the same five years, Planned Parenthood provided more than twice as many breast exams (3,254,136)2 as abortions—along with a host of other services related especially to women’s health.
