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On Church, Part 5: How You Doin’?

DOlinger ⁃

Read the series.

We’ve looked at the need for you be an active part of your local assembly. We’ve toyed with some ideas, based on your gifts and abilities. Now we could use some help in thinking of things we haven’t thought of yet, and in evaluating the thoroughness of what we’re doing.

Plato in the Cave of Hell: The Inability of Human Reason to Save

SI Filings ⁃

“Philosophers such as Plato, Kant, and Heidegger may champion thought as the means of salvation and freedom. Still, human reason itself is chained in the prison of depravity and can only lead to ultimate death.” - Christ Over All

The Curious Case of the Christian Reformed Church

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“What changed in eight years is less that there was a shift in the denomination and more that those who have an orthodox understanding of marriage and sexuality finally said, ‘We have to step up’” - TGC

Does Proverbs Plagiarize from Egyptian Wisdom?

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“While the similarities are apparent in a side-by-side comparison, there are also numerous differences and other factors that caution against overplaying the potential link.” - DBTS Blog

Appeals court rules against Dave Ramsey’s company in COVID-era religious discrimination case

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“Brad Amos, a former video editor at Ramsey Solutions, claimed he was fired for failing to follow Ramsey’s faith-based beliefs on how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.” - RNS

Don’t Fall for Social Media Rage-Bait: Here’s What To Look Out For

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“If… businesses are more likely to advertise with creators that get engagement — views, clicks, follows, shares, comments, likes… content creators have incentive to get you to engage as much as possible. Enter rage-baiting.” - Daily Citizen

What Is Ministry Success?

Christopher Cone ⁃

For some unidentifiable reason I enjoy tormenting students with an important albeit slippery theological and philosophical question. What is good? As you might imagine, the answers I get are quite diverse. One student recently responded by citing an online dictionary that offers forty-seven definitions of the word. Forty-seven! Most, if not all, of the forty-seven were not legitimate, as they typically erred by defining the word by the word itself. As you might expect, the question itself is simple, but an appropriate answer has been far more elusive for the unaided human mind.1

All Who Labor Will Be Heavy Laden & Need Rest

SI Filings ⁃

everyone who does any kind of work will be heavy laden. No one is exempt from the curse God pronounced on work after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:16-19). This is true for believers and unbelievers.” - IFWE

Gut Check: The Value of “Leemers”

SI Filings ⁃

“I’ve been told that ‘Leemers’ is a term used by naval aviators to describe a gut feeling that something is wrong, even if there’s no definitive proof…. it’s a brilliant concept and something we need to consider in our work.” - Phil Cooke

Pastor Like It’s AD 299: A Review of Ford and Wilhite’s ‘Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls’

SI Filings ⁃

“They lived in a world with challenges and concerns that don’t feel as pressing to us. So they seem less equipped to help us with ministry. Yet Ford and Wilhite show how these pastors offer wisdom for contemporary pastoral practice.” - TGC

N+I+V = 777, Proof That the NIV Is . . . ?

SI Filings ⁃

“You can use [Brandon Peterson’s] methods to come to a different conclusion. And this is precisely what I will do in this video.” - Mark Ward

After a slew of controversies, the SBC turns to a low-key leader to keep things cool

SI Filings ⁃

“Clint Pressley does not have a national following or a big social media presence. As SBC president, his goal is to tone down the acrimony.” - RNS

On Ambition in Ministry

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Ambition in life is generally a good thing. Ambition in ministry is indispensable.

We have all heard the tired trope about pastors working only one day a week. It is sad when people repeat such drivel. It is tragic that some ministers have actually provided fodder for this criticism.

Yes, the ministry can, sadly, become a place for the indolent to hide. I’ve never understood why anyone with this mentality would seek the ministry to begin with, but some undoubtedly have.

But, on the other hand, the ministry can also be a place for the motivated to excel—and it has drawn many through the centuries for that very reason. And I believe that the Apostle Paul, above all others, exhibited this kind of spirit.

How Spurgeon’s Soul Struggles Led to His Church’s Soul Care

SI Filings ⁃

“Unlike most of his contemporaries, Spurgeon viewed soul-winning holistically, not merely as conversion, but about making converts into disciples in the local church.” - 9 Marks

Why You Should Feel Good About Classical Liberalism (Not Modern Liberalism/Progressivism)

SI Filings ⁃

“liberalism in the tradition of Locke, Kant, and the Founders…. Its central philosophy is that all persons are born free and equal. Its operational principles include the rule of law, pluralism, toleration, minority rights, distributed authority, limited government, and (subject to the other requirements) democratic decision-making.” - Persuasion

Gallup: Far Fewer in U.S. Regard Childhood Vaccinations as Important

SI Filings ⁃

“The declining belief in the importance of vaccines is essentially confined to Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, as the views of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents have changed little over the past 24 years.” - Gallup

Study: Most pastors have little work experience beyond ministry

SI Filings ⁃

“In the period between graduating high school and becoming a senior pastor, a third of pastors (34%) say they spent five years or less working in a non-ministry job, including 13% who have less than a year of secular work experience.” - The Baptist Paper

Gordon College Loses Religious Liberty Case for Loan Forgiveness

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“Gordon College could be on the hook to repay $7 million of COVID-19 relief funds. A federal court rejected eight of the evangelical school’s arguments that it should be eligible for loan forgiveness.” - CToday

Book Review – ‘On the Shoulders of Hobbits’ by Louis Markos

Paul Henebury ⁃

On the Shoulders of Hobbits: the Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis,* by Louis Markos, Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2012, paperback, 234 pages.

Outrage Is Not a Fruit of the Spirit

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“In today’s digital world—and especially in an election year—it’s heartbreaking to see God’s people become a bickering, angry mob.” - Randy Alcorn

Rightly Ordered . . . Fears?

SI Filings ⁃

“The easiest way to not be afraid of anything is to be ignorant….The second easiest way to not be afraid of anything is to not love anything….These are sub-Christian options.” - TGC

Even Small Churches Can Plant Churches

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“We have learned that we don’t have to be a big church to do something great for the Lord….We constantly remind ourselves that church planting is not about the mother church’s seating capacity but its sending capacity.” - GARBC

Is There a Post-Religious Right on the Horizon?

SI Filings ⁃

“Is there a rising number of non-religious Republicans that are going to take the party in a less socially conservative direction? Let’s see what the data has to say about that.” - Ryan Burge

Liberalism vs Post-Liberalism: A Conversation with Two Post-Liberals

SI Filings ⁃

“The former (speaker 1) wants a Protestant confessional state, and the other (speaker 2) is sympathetic to a Catholic integralist state…. We hope this conversation will be the first of many on the topic of liberalism versus post-liberalism.” - Juicy Ecumenism

Is Every Sin the Same in God’s Eyes?

SI Filings ⁃

“The assumptions embedded throughout redemptive history make clear that some sins are worse than others. Consider several examples.” - Kevin DeYoung

Theologically Loaded Catch-lines #2: What Does It Mean for God to “Be with Us”?

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“properly chastened and informed requests for God to “be with” us can be quite appropriate…but not all such requests fall so pleasantly on God’s ears.” - Mark Snoeberger

Hope for Elon Musk and Other ‘Cultural Christians’

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“Long described as atheist or agnostic, Musk has toyed with odd beliefs like the so-called ‘simulation hypothesis’…. However, in a recent interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, Musk admitted admiration for Christianity” - Breakpoint

Majority of Americans support more nuclear power in the country

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“while support for solar and wind power has declined by double digits since 2020… the share who favor nuclear power has grown by 13 percentage points over that span.” - Pew

Some thoughts on that Newsweek story on Christian colleges

SI Filings ⁃

“Wherever one comes down on this issue, it is clear that evangelical colleges have every legal right to hire faculty that meet their standards on sexuality.” - Current

On Church, Part 4: Doing What You Can

DOlinger ⁃

Read the series.

I’ve suggested that you ought to be part of a local church assembly, and that you ought to be active, not passive, in your membership there. So what does that look like?