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Does Hebrews 6 Teach You Can Lose Your Salvation?

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“I would argue the passage is a warning, and as a warning it alerts us to lurking dangers that entice us to forsake Jesus. It does not announce faith’s possible failure.” - Christ Over All

'I was saved by luck or God,' Trump says

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“The FBI has said that while its investigation suggests Crooks acted alone, it would continue to look into whether the kitchen worker had received help.” - BBC


Why As Few As 5% Of Americans Attend Church Each Week

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“Although 21% to 24% of us say we regularly attend religious services, research tracking people’s actual behavior shows that in fact the number may be as low as 5%. (Regular attendance is defined in the Post article as going to services at least three out of four weeks.)” - Religion Unplugged

How pro-Life activists should react to the Republican Party platform change

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“Many who are rightly disappointed in this shift have suggested that perhaps it was futile for Christians to get involved in politics at all…. this kind of detachment ignores the good that can be done and that has been done for the cause of life.” - Baptist Press

John 14:1-3 and the Rapture (Part 3)

TylerR ⁃

In Part 2 of this series, we presented four options for understanding what Jesus meant at John 14:1-3:

We also suggested a grading scale for evaluating these options:

Bible Faculty Summit

SharperIron ⁃

The Bible Faculty Summit is dedicated to promoting scholarship in service of the church.

More information: https://biblefacultysummit.org/future-meetings/

How Can We Set Our Minds on Things Above?

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“This is not sin—to be embodied. It’s God’s plan. But we get so blind…. To seek things above… ‘definitely and deliberately, I will have a non-negotiable time with God.’” - Randy Alcorn

Against the Moral vs. Medical Divide

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“it is not only pastors like MacArthur who embrace the medical-moral divide. Advocates and clinicians in the mental health world do also. Sometimes…advocates will state that mental illness has nothing to do with character, weakness of will, or anything else that sounds moral” - Mere Orthodoxy

Baptist Fellowship Association Conference

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Strengthening the Household of God
Ephesians 4:11-12

More information: https://www.bfa.today

Can “The Universe” Have Intentions?

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“But what strikes me is that characters in novels, movies, and television shows still can’t get away from SOME idea of a transcendent power that has intentions and person-like agency and meddles in their lives.” - Roger Olson

Evangelical Presbyterians Take on Debate Over Celibate Gay Pastors

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“The EPC was founded more than four decades ago by a group of about 20 churches concerned with liberal drift in the Northern Presbyterian Church….Both complementarians and egalitarians are welcome in the EPC, as are Presbyterians with differing views on charismatic practices. A range of views on creation…” - Christianity Today

‘Essentials’ abuse prevention curriculum on its way to state conventions

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The “comprehensive plan for churches to implement abuse prevention protocols and care for survivors, was already put in the hands of thousands of church leaders at the SBC Annual Meeting Indianapolis. But the demand has only grown.” - Baptist Press

‘Glory in the Church’

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

One of the greatest privileges that I enjoy as a church ministries representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry is that I get to preach in—and be in—lots of churches.

For the most part, these churches are quite similar in terms of their understanding and interpretation of Biblical truth and, of course, they find common ground with our ministry when it comes to the core issue of the importance of God’s plan for Israel.

“Ministry is not as hard as it seems sometimes” – 10 reasons why

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“1. God has called you to this work…. 2. The Spirit of God lives in you…. 3. The Word of God is powerful…. 4 God will accomplish His plan….” - Chuck Lawless

Don’t Let Nietzsche Be Your Political Teacher

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“while the political right may see itself in opposition to such an approach, populism’s rise suggests otherwise. For Nietzsche, the embodiment of the will to power was the Übermensch (the Overman or Superman), who embodied the ideals we now see played out in populist leaders.” - TGC

What Is the Secret to Reaching the Next Generation?

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“for the most part, what we really need to do is keep doing the same things that Christians in every age have been called to do: to make disciples and to love one another and to speak the truth and to be kind and ask good questions…. there really is no secret. It’s what it’s always been.” - Kevin DeYoung

Doug Wilson, Al Mohler discuss Christian nationalism at conservative conference

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“Theologian Albert Mohler and Pastor Douglas Wilson engaged in a discussion this week at the fourth annual National Conservatism Conference (NatCon 4) in Washington, D.C., about the proper role of Christianity in the government.” - CPost

Students call for transparency as Cornerstone University guts humanities programs

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“RNS confirmed that at least six professors left involuntarily…. Five of those six had already seen their department, humanities, merged last year with several others to form the School of Ministry, Media and the Arts.” - RNS

Are We Doing Church Wrong?

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Why do you go to church?

Because it’s Sunday, and that’s what we do on Sundays?

Or maybe because you need something to hang onto if you’re going to make it through another week? A Bible verse, a thought from a sermon, an encouraging line in a song?

I’d like to suggest that you may be doing it wrong. Bear with me here.

Let’s get back to the beginning. God has graciously gathered his people into a body he calls the Church.

Why did he pick that name?

Church. In the language of the New Testament, it means “gathering” or “assembly.”

The “God” of the “Philosophers” – A Review of Jack Symes’ Philosophers on God: Thinking About Existence

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“Symes himself is…. an adherent of an increasingly fashionable position called ‘panpsychism’—the view that consciousness is the fundamental constituent of reality and that everything, from the smallest atom to the most complex human brain, is ‘conscious’ at some level.” - Religion & Liberty

Kansas Supreme Court strikes down dismemberment abortion ban, abortion clinic regulations

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“Justice Eric Rosen authored the majority opinion, writing that ‘section 1 of the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights protects a fundamental right to personal autonomy, which includes a pregnant person’s right to terminate a pregnancy.’” - CPost

When My Dad Went to Prison

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“Emily Colson looks back on her father’s public fall from glory and his redemption in Christ.” - Breakpoint

Don’t Fear the Marks in Revelation

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“Revelation’s depictions of labeled people show us that God knows exactly who belongs to him and who doesn’t. But it does more than that.” - TGC

“Our Fruit Grows on Their Tree” – Church Planting in Salem, Oregon

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“An interview with Casey Lute, pastor of Peace Bible Church, Salem, Oregon, planted in 2023, and Tim Baker, pastor of its mother church, Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, Oregon” - GARBC

Pew: More people view the U.S. positively than China across 35 surveyed countries

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“A median of 54% of adults in these nations have a favorable view of the U.S., while a median of 35% see China favorably.” - Pew

Three Mistakes Congregations Tend to Make with Church Policies

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“Mistake # 1: Making a Policy as a Substitute for Leadership….
Mistake # 2: Ignoring the Policies You Made…. Mistake #3: Writing Policies on Stone Tablets.” - Church Leaders

The Salvation of Infants and the Mentally Disabled

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“I personally believe that God brings infants and the mentally disabled immediately into presence after death. I briefly explain my understanding of Scripture on this matter in what follows.” - P&D

Iowa Supreme Court Upholds Heartbeat Law, Will Take Effect Mid-July

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“The decision reverses a lower court which applied a higher level of scrutiny to the law and put a temporary injunction in place to block its enforcement.” - Daily Citizen

Christian Witness in 2024 vs. 2014

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“In this video I want to lay out 4 ways that evangelism and apologetics and public theology in any sort of way has changed over the last 10 years. It’s harder today.” - Gavin Ortlund