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LSB Copyright

SharperIron ⁃

Scripture quotations marked LSB are taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. LSBible.org(link is external) and 316publishing.com(link is external).

Go into All the World and Make Friends

SI Filings ⁃

“Paul didn’t only give the gospel to local believers; he shared his life with them (1 Thess. 2:8). He didn’t limit himself to ministry relationships or even task-focused partnerships.” - TGC(link is external)

The Relationship of Sinaiticus (א) to the Critical Text of the Gospel of John

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Did the rediscovery of the ancient manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus really lead to massive changes in our Greek New Testaments? - Mark Ward(link is external)

Find Happiness by Planting Yourself Deeply in God’s Word

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“How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night” (Psalm 1:1-2, CSB) - Randy Alcorn(link is external)

Americans grow more liberal on moral issues, more concerned about moral values

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Gallup: “U.S. adults are more likely than ever to see abortion, suicide, and polygamy as morally acceptable. In addition, married men and women having an affair, divorce, stem cell research using human embryos, having a child outside of marriage and sex between teenagers are near their highest levels of public acceptability.” - Baptist Press(link is external)

Tucker Carlson and the turning point for right-wing antisemitism

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Carlson’s “recent show with Cooper, however, crossed a different line. As such, it ought to provoke the sort of reaction that would seriously impinge on his ability to maintain his grasp on influence with people who matter, such as the Trump family and mainstream politicians.” - JNS(link is external)

What Is Real Success?

Christopher Cone ⁃

Google the phrase “What is success” and you will get 1.13 billion results. I’d like to examine each of those with you today (not really). Much has been said about success. Everybody seems to want it, but it is surprising how few actually can define it.

One dictionary defines success as “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, the attainment of popularity or profit, or a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.” But what should be the aim or purpose? And how do we define prosperity?

Some suggest success changes with age:

Prevent Dechurching: 3 Critical Questions Your Church Should Ask

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“Jim Davis and I geared our book The Great Dechurching more toward helping individuals demystify what’s going on…. However, if Christians are to have any meaningful long-term influence, we must also have the parallel institutional track: local churches making progress on this issue.” - TGC(link is external)

Encouragement for You if You’re in a Spiritual Battle Today

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“I cannot tell you how often I’ve turned to these biblical texts to strengthen my faith in a battle. Maybe they’ll help you, too” - Chuck Lawless(link is external)

A Fitting Tribute to Ronald Reagan

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“Reagan covers all the greatest hits of the Republican’s life and career, with no famous line or episode left out. The movie is based on the Grove City College academic Paul Kengor’s book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism” - National Review(link is external)

9 Simple Ways to Engage Gen Z with the Bible

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“When I finished speaking, a long line of people formed to ask questions…. they all asked me versions of the same exact question: ‘How do I get my kids to look away from their phone and engage?’” - Word by Word(link is external)

How the Gospel Shapes Our Liturgy

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“more important than the shape of our meeting space is the shape of our meeting. What are its parts, and how do they flow from one to another? Those are the questions we will consider in this post.” - 9 Marks(link is external)

Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics Tackles ‘Myths About Dispensationalism’

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

The 17th Annual Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 18 and 19, at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa. The theme for this year’s conference is, “Answering the Myths About Dispensationalism.”

“CDH is an academic study group established in 2008 for traditional dispensationalists, where various issues are studied in regional settings in different parts of the United States,” explained Mike Stallard, vice president for international ministries with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and executive director of CDH.

“All viewpoints are welcome to attend,” he said, “although all speakers must affirm traditional dispensationalism.”

“Never give in” What in the world are they saying about Winston Churchill?

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“To call Churchill the ‘chief villain’ of World War II is morally obscene and historically wretched. It is a claim so far-fetched that it staggers the imagination.” - Al Mohler(link is external)

Too many misunderstand Cessationism

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“One thing that must be firmly established is the fact that cessationists believe that God can perform miracles at any time or place in human history. Our God is sovereign and he always does what he pleases.” - Josh Buice(link is external)

Why We Worry When Choosing a Bible Translation

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“if [Miles] Coverdale is right about the benefits of multiple translations, why do many of us feel so much angst when choosing a translation? Why is there so much pressure to have the best one?” - Text & Canon(link is external)

Have We Done It Wrong All These Years?

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“ ‘The older generation is not dumb,’ Dave says, having learned a hard lesson. ‘It’s not like they did everything wrong and now we’re gonna do it so much better. We need to embrace things that worked in the past, work together, and make changes moving forward.’” - GARBC(link is external)

Trump Responds to Pro-Life Pressure

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“Pro-lifers recognize that a Harris-Walz administration would be horrific; most also recognize that if the new pro-choice GOP becomes permanent, the American pro-life movement could find itself in the same situation as pro-lifers in Canada and the U.K., where no major party is willing to defend pre-born human rights.” - First Things(link is external)

A Note from Joel Tetreau

Joel Tetreau ⁃

Dear friends at SI:

First, an apology.

I do feel bad that I have not been active here at SI for several years.

I can assure you my inactivity here has had nothing to do with SI. The last many years have been a blur. I will finish off 26 years as lead pastor at SVBC on Dec 31. This means I will have completed about 34 years of vocational ministry. On January1, I will transition from being lead pastor of Southeast Valley Bible Church to being full time in my work at the Institute of Biblical Leadership (IBL).

Joel Tetreau 2024 Bio

Joel Tetreau ⁃

Joel Tetreau has over twenty years of pastoral ministry experience and presently serves as senior pastor at Southeast Valley Bible Church(link is external) in Gilbert, AZ and as Director of U.S. Partnerships and Development at the Institute of Biblical Leadership(link is external).

Work Hard. And Don’t Forget to Rest

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“You were made to work. But you weren’t made to only work. ‘The seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God: in it thou shalt not do any work.’” - Ref21(link is external)

Your Resurrected Body Will Never Pass Its Peak

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“Understanding that our peak doesn’t come in this life should radically change our view of deteriorating health, which otherwise would produce discouragement, regret, anger, envy, and resentment.” - Randy Alcorn(link is external)

Should we broadly condemn Christian parents who choose to use public schools?

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“Every child is different, and no one knows the unique temperaments and proclivities of individual children better than their parents do. We need to create space for conscientious parents to prayerfully make decisions about what’s best for their own families.” - CPost(link is external)

50 Largest Christian Colleges and Universities in the U.S.

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“Grove City makes biggest jump; Moody Bible Institute sees biggest drop.” - Ministry Watch(link is external)

Discipling in the Digital Age

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“we’re not going to put the computer back in Pandora’s box…. the essence of what the Lord is calling us to do, is to understand the effect that these technologies have and then preach the Gospel—the real, embodied, physical, love-your-neighbor, go-to-church Gospel—to each other in a way that helps each other see through this fog.” - Breakpoint(link is external)

What's Wrong with a "Rule of Life"?

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“Are the interests of our time dictating what is of greatest interest to us? If so, then surrender to God’s rule, not reinvention of our own, is the order of the day.” - Mere Orthodoxy(link is external)

An Assyrian Genie in First Temple Jerusalem

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“With a hole drilled through it, the seal was likely worn around the neck and served as both the personal seal and as a protective amulet of a local official….it may have originally been owned by a man named Hoshʼayahu, who held a senior position in the kingdom of Judah.” - Biblical Archaeology Review(link is external)

The Gospel Still Can’t Be Stopped

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“The book of Acts concludes with Paul under house arrest in Rome, waiting for his trial. Luke, the author of Acts, wanted the reader to see through Paul’s imprisonment and chains. He ends the book with the word ‘unhindered.’” - TGC(link is external)

“...free speech is at least as important as abortion — maybe more — and here is why.”

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“Disinformation is anything the ruling party believes to be or declares untrue. To them, the Genesis account of creation could easily be disinformation. Let’s consider the following consequences of losing our freedom of speech.” - P&D(link is external)

Should Christians Across Denominations Be Singing the Same Songs?

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“Some traditions work to refocus on theological distinctives in their music as worship megahits take over.” - CToday(link is external)