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Gallup: ‘New high of 24% say God not involved in human origins; new 37% low say God created humans in present form’

SI Filings ⁃

“Though diminished from the early 2000s, the largest segment of Americans, 37%, are creationist purists, saying God created humans in their present form within the past 10,000 years.” - Gallup

Christian leaders react to Biden dropping out of presidential race

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“Biden’s announcement has garnered a wide range of reactions…” (Mohler, Huckabee, French, et al.) - CPost


Exit, stage left - World After Joe - Persuasion

Study: Many churches use background checks. What about abuse training?

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“Nearly 3 in 5 congregations affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (58%) use background checks. More than a third (36%) are trained in reporting sexual abuse, while 16% are trained in caring for survivors.” - The Baptist Paper

Faithfulness in a Broken Culture (Part 1)

Guest ⁃

Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease. But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf for in its welfare you will find your welfare. (Jer 29:5, ESV)

Mugged By Reality: A Review of Nellie Bowles’ Morning After the Revolution

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The book “is Bowles’ break-up letter, chronicling her realization that something had gone horribly amiss in the crowd with which she was running.” - Law & Liberty

Cannabis Linked to Depression and Bipolar Disorder

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“Those previously diagnosed with cannabis addiction were almost twice as likely to develop clinical depression and up to four times as likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.” - Breakpoint

The Coming Transformation of Israel

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

There will be a great spiritual transformation of Israel before Christ’s final return.

Those before us in Dispensational Theology developed the scriptural conviction that the people of Israel will one day be saved as a nation in their Promised Land. Dispensationalists taught this boldly—as was the case when The Friends of Israel was born in 1938, even before the modern State of Israel existed.

But this clear, biblical teaching has fallen on hard times, and many are conflicted.

Some reason that modern Israel simply cannot be the people that God promises to bring back to the land because the nation is largely unbelieving. They see its current presence in the Middle East as entirely inconsequential.

Going to Work in a Genesis 3 World

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“After the fall, outside the garden, work is not a pretty picture. Yet that’s the context in which we all work today. Every fallen weakness described above is present in every workplace every day.” - Common Good

What Does the Bible Teach About Divorce and Remarriage?

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“ ‘Do I have to stay in this marriage?’ Carol asked. As her pastor, my first response was to show compassion and work with a team of church members to ensure Carol’s ongoing safety. But I also had a responsibility to give a clear answer to Carol’s question.” - TGC

California LGBT+ Law Builds ‘Wall of Secrecy’ Between Parents and Kids

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“California governor Gavin Newsom signed into law AB 1955—a first-in-nation bill that bans California school districts from requiring staff to disclose to parents if their child starts using different pronouns or identifying as a different gender.” - TGC

“Over half (57%) of Protestant churchgoers say they find it challenging to make sense of the Bible when they read it on their own.”

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“Dr. George H. Guthrie has written … A Short Guide to Reading the Bible Better. In this book, he provides helpful tools and guidance to help God’s people read and enjoy God’s Word.” - Lifeway

On the Will of God: My Most Common Pastoral Counsel

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“God wants us to live. He wants us to make our own decisions. He provides the boundaries of his will in those matters the Bible makes clear, but then leaves it to us to operate according to wisdom and desire.” - Challies

At RNC, an uneven, awkward embrace of religious pluralism

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“As a Republican official led a Sikh prayer, images of Christian crosses flashed behind her.” - RNS

Planning ahead for the upcoming church budget season

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“The process of creating the church budget is important. In many ways, it’s a ministry roadmap for the upcoming year. As you walk through this budget season, here are six quick tips to consider.” - Toolbox

The Faculty of Impromptu Speech, Part 5

Guest ⁃

From Lectures to My Students: A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students of The Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle

First Series, Lecture X
By C.H. Spurgeon

Read the series.

The acquisition of another language affords a fine drilling for the practice of extempore speech.

The Power of Coaches In Ministry

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“Whether formally or informally, coaches are game changers. And their input parallels an interaction between Jethro (a priest) and his son-in-law Moses. ‘Listen now to my voice…I will give you counsel, and God will be with you.’” - RBM

The Virtues Pro-Lifers Now Need to Remember: Forbearance and Patience

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“However pro-life activists want to spin things, the Republican Party’s amendment of the platform represents a deliberate marginalization of the pro-life movement.” - The Dispatch

A New Frontline Is Out: A Future for Israel

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“The articles in this issue center around what the Bible says about God’s future for Israel. Though many in the past have tried to connect prophecies in the Bible to world events in the modern period, the articles in this issue of FrontLine do not attempt to do so.” - P&D

Recommitting Ourselves to the Freedom of Captive Nations

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“Since 1959, Congress has designated the third week of July as Captive Nations Week. This commemoration, marked annually by a presidential proclamation, is a remembrance that too few Americans are aware of.” - Providence

How to Be There for Those Walking Through Grief

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“As one who greatly benefited from those in this role following the untimely death of my wife of 50 years in December 2021, here are a few suggestions based on what was most helpful to me.” - Lifeway

Lausanne at 50: Effective Mission Still Depends on Right Theology

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“Fifty years ago this week, the Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland, hosted the First International Congress on World Evangelization (known as Lausanne 1, or Lausanne ’74)” - TGC

Five faith facts about Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance

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“Vance is tied to an ideology known as ‘Catholic integralism,’ an intellectual movement that, experts say, prefers a “soft power” approach to exerting Christian influence over society. Thinkers in the movement herald the importance of a Christian “strategic adviser” to people in power.” - RNS

How to Care for a Big Church

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“The beauty of the parish model is the combination of two powerful forces which facilitate ‘one another’ care: relationships and proximity… We believe deepening relational connections between leaders and members who live near each other builds a culture of care in the church.” - 9 Marks

How To Respond When a Pastor Or Ministry Leader Experiences a Serious Failing

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“1. Prepare for a crisis ahead of time…. 2. Get an attorney’s advice immediately…. 4. When a crisis happens, don’t cover it up.” - Phil Cooke

Why Are Educated Women Leaving Church?

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“women in America seem to be abandoning Christian observance more quickly than men. Political scientist Ryan Burge… recently shared survey data showing that college-educated men are now more likely to attend church weekly than college-educated women.” - Breakpoint

An Example of How One Church Trains Its Elders

Micah Colbert ⁃

Leadership development is one of those things that churches love to talk about but rarely seem to do. Pastors and churches need to prayerfully consider how they might assess and train men for ministry for the furtherance of the gospel. Over the past three years, our church has made significant strides by God’s grace in proactively identifying, developing, and deploying men for various ministries within our church. This year, we’ve endeavored to be more intentional about specifically training men for pastoral ministry through a monthly elder cohort.

Does Hebrews 6 Teach You Can Lose Your Salvation?

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“I would argue the passage is a warning, and as a warning it alerts us to lurking dangers that entice us to forsake Jesus. It does not announce faith’s possible failure.” - Christ Over All

'I was saved by luck or God,' Trump says

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“The FBI has said that while its investigation suggests Crooks acted alone, it would continue to look into whether the kitchen worker had received help.” - BBC
