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In multi-faith Singapore, Pope Francis says ‘all religions are a path to God’

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“They are like different languages in order to arrive at God, but God is God for all….Since God is God for all, then we are all children of God.” - Crux


Is Pope Francis Teaching Pluralism? - Gavin Ortlund Pope Francis’ claim ‘all religions are a path to God’ rebuked by clergy - C.Post

Smashed to Pieces! The Vision in Daniel 2

TylerR ⁃

Daniel’s visions are endlessly fascinating to Christians.1 So are those from Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Revelation. They stick in your mind so vividly because they’re exciting, dramatic, bizarre, otherworldly, almost fantasy-like. This is a very particular style of writing God uses to communicate hope to desperate people.

No Lone Ranger Christians

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“Paul actually turned his back on a God-given opportunity to minister. Why? Because, he says, ‘I did not find my brother Titus there.’” - Randy Alcorn

Can a Church or Ministry Do Anything About an Employee’s Negative Social Media Posts?

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“I asked my friend David Middlebrook, a highly respected attorney who focuses on church and nonprofit issues. Here’s David’s response” - Phil Cooke

ERLC trustees affirm Leatherwood, ERLC staff

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“Ethics & Religious Liberty trustees issued a statement Sept. 10 affirming the ‘good work’ of President Brent Leatherwood and his staff in a step ‘to acknowledge and address concerns and to create a greater sense of understanding, unity and trust’ - Baptist Press

Taking The Anxious Generation Further

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“Claire Morell writes that ‘the tide is finally turning’ when it comes to children, smartphones, and social media. Thanks in large part to Haidt’s work, concerted efforts are being made to reclaim childhood from the pull of the screen.” - Public Discourse

See also…

Gen Z most fearful, anxious, but Scripture halves anxiety, study shows - Baptist Press

The Spectator is now owned by a Christian. But is this good news?

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“Sir Paul Marshall, owner of GB News and founder of digital outlet UnHerd, has snapped up the world’s oldest weekly magazine…An outspoken Christian and member of [Holy Trinity Brompton], Sir Paul represents a rare combination of devout Christian with exceeding wealth and influence.” - Premier Christianity

How We Plan for the Gospel to Shape Our Gathering

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“Each Sunday gathering has two themes based on the preached Word: a theme of revelation and response. The first focuses our attention on a facet of God’s glory and grace. The second focuses our response in a way appropriate to what God has revealed.” - 9 Marks

Why They Hate Reagan—the Movie and the Man

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

Ronald Reagan was elected president when I was in sixth grade, then reelected when I was a sophomore in high school—serving until my sophomore year in college.

In my naiveté, I guess I thought he’d be there forever—either him or, at least, someone much like him. How dreadfully wrong I was.

Reagan’s story has now come back to life on the big screen and reminded us once again of this larger-than-life portrait of Americana.

Common Ground Between YouTubers Who Disagree

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Mark Ward and Scott Ingram discuss their points of agreement and disagreement on textual criticism, Textus Receptus, and the New King James version. - YouTube

Alistair Begg Announces Plan To Retire in 2025 as Parkside Church’s Senior Pastor

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“Begg ‘will continue his pastoral and ministry work at Truth For Life’ following his retirement from the pulpit. [in Sept of 2025]” - Church Leaders

Evangelical group calls for revival, issues statement to oppose politicized Christianity

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”We reject the false teaching that anyone other than Jesus Christ has been anointed by God as our Savior, or that a Christian’s loyalty should belong to any political party” - RNS

Evangelical Giving to Churches and Charities is Down

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“61% of evangelicals say they gave to their church in the last 12 months. That is down 13 percentage points from 2021 when 74% reported giving to their local congregation.” - Ministry Watch

Is Hyper-Cessationism a Fair Term? A Response to Scott Aniol, G3, Etc.

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“although we could quibble over whether we agree with the divines on this issue, or whether we agree with Poythress’ understanding of how it all works, it is clear that the ‘circumstantial’ usage of revelation was a recognized fact in the 17th century Reformed world. There was a type of ‘two-tier’ revelation going on.” - Ref21

When You’re Tempted to Hate People, Part 1: Introduction

DOlinger ⁃

We’re polarized.


And each side sees the other as the Ultimate Personification of Evil.

They’re bad people, you see. They want to destroy us and all that we hold dear.

No tactic is out of bounds in our desire to destroy them.

It’s war.

Bring it.

There were situations like this in biblical times: existential crises, where God’s people, and all they held dear—or should have held dear—was under assault by those who hated what they stood for, because they hated the God who had chosen them for himself.

The Shift in Churches Caused by 9/11

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“While there was a temporary rise in church attendance, the numbers soon returned to pre-9/11 levels. The immediate increase in attendance did not translate into a sustained commitment to religious practices or beliefs.” - Church Answers

No, Haitian Immigrants Are Not Eating Pet Cats

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“the Springfield, Ohio, police department confirmed Monday that it found ‘no credible reports’ of immigrants—illegal or legal—harming or eating pets, and no evidence of other concerning illegal behavior.” - The Dispatch

Illinois Baptists lose religious freedom case, expect to appeal

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“A circuit judge in Springfield has ruled against the Illinois Baptist State Association in a suit to protect IBSA from requirements to provide employees with insurance benefits that cover abortion.” - Baptist Press

How Can We Be Angry and Not Sin?

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“God wants us to understand our anger by speaking to our souls, by contemplating the anger in silence, and then by doing the next right thing. And this will demonstrate by our acts that we trust in Yahweh, and not in our own devises.” - TGC

Why preaching still matters in a digital world—even on television

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“over the years, pioneering producers in Christian television expanded into interview programs, documentaries, concert specials and drama…. But despite all those brave attempts, a curious thing happened. Preaching on television endured.” - The Baptist Paper

Incurably Churchy

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“…how those who reject the Christian religion—as in formalized membership or participation in a church or denomination—very much want to embrace some kind of spiritual community and gathering.” - Church & Culture

The New Mid-Size Church Advantages

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“Fifteen years ago, I wondered if mid-size churches might go extinct…. The mid-size church is still here, and I’m glad I did not publish my thoughts. Now, they have several growth advantages in North America.” - Sam Rainer

Book Review: Biblical Separation: The Struggle for a Pure Church, by Ernest Pickering

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“…the principle of separation is a core biblical truth. We must grapple with the biblical data and its implications for ministry—and we must do it honestly and faithfully in every generation. I still believe that Pickering’s book is the most reasonable place to start that conversation.” - P&D

The Acceptance Stage of Lost Evangelical Influence

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“Evangelical rage makes for great TV; infantile evangelical leaders coming unhinged attract a lot of clicks. It is thus no surprise that the bulk of media attention has been trained on evangelical fits of outrage, victimhood, and lament over the emergence of a post-Christian America.” - Christianity Today

Adam Greenway, SWBTS reach settlement in lawsuit

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Joint statement: “We are grateful to have this resolution between Southwestern Seminary and its ninth president, Dr. Adam W. Greenway. No monetary consideration was paid as part of this resolution….” - Baptist Press

Christianity Requires Defending the Faith

Richard Bargas ⁃

It always astounds me that Holocaust deniers exist. Those who claim the systematic murder of Jews in Europe by Adolph Hitler is a hoax and has no factual evidence behind it often do so to advance antisemitic agendas.* Despite living Holocaust survivors, extant concentration camps, written and recorded testimonies from victims, photographs, artifacts, and other evidence, there are still those who will not accept the historicity of the Holocaust.

LSB Copyright

SharperIron ⁃

Scripture quotations marked LSB are taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. LSBible.org and 316publishing.com.

Go into All the World and Make Friends

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“Paul didn’t only give the gospel to local believers; he shared his life with them (1 Thess. 2:8). He didn’t limit himself to ministry relationships or even task-focused partnerships.” - TGC

The Relationship of Sinaiticus (א) to the Critical Text of the Gospel of John

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Did the rediscovery of the ancient manuscripts Sinaiticus and Vaticanus really lead to massive changes in our Greek New Testaments? - Mark Ward

Find Happiness by Planting Yourself Deeply in God’s Word

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“How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night” (Psalm 1:1-2, CSB) - Randy Alcorn