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Penal Substitution in the Early Church

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“The first error, which is the most common among scholars, is to suggest that the early church never spoke of penal substitution, which I hope to dispel. The second error, more common among evangelicals, is to overstate the case and read penal substitution into texts.” - TGC

“God speaks to us through his Word, most certainly. But he also speaks in other ways.”

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“Paul is a good example of someone putting this to work in ministry. When he’s introducing the gospel to members of a Jewish synagogue in Pisidian Antioch, he references primarily the Scripture….But shortly later, when he’s addressing pagan Greeks in Athens, he takes an entirely different approach.” - Olinger

Ayako Miura – From Disillusioned Nihilist to Christian Author

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“She laughed when her friends said that, ‘in today’s scientific, progressive world, if something cannot be proved it is the same as not existing.’ In her view, ‘if there was no scientific proof that God did not exist, then it was unscientific to say that He did not.’” - Ref21

They Profess to Know God: Do They Know Him? (Part 3)

Forrest McPhail ⁃

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

This is the last of three articles exploring these truths:

John Wayne, Jesus, and the Struggle to Define the Christian Man

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“I fear that she’s taken aim at individuals—including people I know—who differ from her theologically but do their best to keep their eyes focused on Jesus, not John Wayne. One does not have to agree entirely with John Piper, for example, to know that he has paid a steep price for opposing some of the very trends that Du Mez identifies in her book.” - David French

Former Desiring God writer Paul Maxwell announces he's no longer Christian

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“Maxwell, who has his Ph.D. in theology and has written on the topics of theology, trauma, and fitness, later followed up with a message to those who told him he’s going to Hell and are ‘not really happy’ as a result of his rejection of Christianity.” - C.Post

“Scripture shows that well-instructed believers develop a determination to rejoice.”

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“In Romans 5:1–11, Paul leads us from rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God (v. 2) to joy that comes in tribulation (v. 3) to exulting in God Himself (v. 11; see Ps. 43:4). The unbeliever finds this incredible, because he has been blinded by the joy-depriving lie of Satan that to glorify God is the high road to joylessness.” - Ligonier

Is Universal Basic Income Biblical?

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“Legislating generosity is a way of shifting responsibility for compassion from me personally to everyone else around me. God intended for compassion to be relational not institutional.” - P&D

An update on Paul Henebury's book

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“I thought I would write something about the book I have been writing for some time now. The book is called The Words of the Covenant: A Biblical Theology. It’s subtitle is Old Testament Expectation. I am working with the publisher to finalize the manuscript. Lord willing it will be at the printers in the summer. ” - Paul

Preaching to the Straw Man Choir?

TylerR ⁃

Jonathan Cruse’s book What Happens When We Worship has a simple point. Something important happens between us and God when we worship (p. 1). He presents a theology of worship (ch. 2-7), the pieces of a proper worship service (ch. 8-13), and some brief remarks about how to prepare for worship (ch. 14-15).

This is a book written with more zeal than tact.

Research: Surprising Side Effects Wine Has On Your Heart

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“Since alcohol dependency is a real threat whenever you enjoy an adult beverage, experts are providing more specifics around how wine can help your heart—as well as how it can harm it.” - Eat this Not That

Supreme Court Lifts California Restrictions on Private Religious Gatherings

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“ ‘California treats some comparable secular activities more favorably than at-home religious exercise, permitting hair salons, retail stores, personal care services, movie theaters, private suites at sporting events and concerts and indoor restaurants,’ the majority wrote in an unsigned opinion.” - National Review

“Historical knowledge and consciousness are indispensable to the health of the church”

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“First, historical knowledge, even if justifiable by its practical uses, is not an end in itself. …Such disciplines provide needed clarity and direction, and as the companions of the pilgrim save him from much needless wandering. But the pilgrim is not meant only to achieve clarity and a good sense of direction. The pilgrim is meant to attain the fatherland. Second, not just any historical knowledge is worth having.” - Conciliar Post

Evidence for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones as effective treatment ‘very low': NHS England

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“There is little evidence to show that prescribing puberty-suppressing drugs to children and adolescents suffering from gender dysphoria is beneficial in any way, according to a review by the NHS’ National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.” - C.Post

Review: Kevin DeYoung's Men and Women in the Church

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“It unapologetically explains and defends the complementarian position, which insists that God has designed men and women to be complementary to one another in life, church, and family. Though few people love the word ‘complementarian,’ he believes it is an appropriate choice because ‘it’s hard to tell the story of the Bible without a word that communicates ‘different but fitting together.’” - Challies

Is Complementarianism a Man-Made Doctrine?

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“The word ‘complementarianism’ is indeed a relatively new term. But it is a new term coined to refer to an ancient teaching that is rooted in the text of scripture. On the contrary, Egalitarianism is the doctrinal innovation, not the biblical idea that men and women are created equally in God’s image with distinct and complementary differences.” - Denny Burk

6 Effective Ways to Follow Up With First-Time Guests

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“The guest follow-up is a huge opportunity to build a memorable connection, but it requires attention. It is crucial to develop a process and execute the process each week.” - C.Leaders

The Challenge of Honoring Our Aging Parents

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“There is a larger purpose for their life in God’s sovereignty, even if they aren’t ‘contributing,’ even in suffering, even if we cannot see it. Supporting them as they experience difficulties is one of the ways God shapes us to become more Christ-like.” - IFWE

The Reformation at 500: Luther’s Journey to Worms

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

It was a warm, sunny autumn Wednesday afternoon when our bus rolled into Worms, Germany—the second-to-last stop on the final day of touring on our 500th anniversary Reformation trip.

The town was decorated almost as if Luther himself were returning.

At the side of the road, we saw signs that read “Solus Christus,” “Sola Gratia,” “Sola Fide” and “Sola Scriptura”—like the placards that city residents might post to salute a winning sports team.

San Francisco School Board Rescinds Controversial School Renaming Plan

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“The board had moved to forge ahead with a controversial plan to change the names of 44 schools that honor figures [allegedly] linked to historical racism or oppression. But on Tuesday, the board voted unanimously to suspend the effort when it approved a resolution saying it ‘wishes to avoid the distraction and wasteful expenditure of public funds in frivolous litigation.’” - NPR

Evangelicals’ Vaccine Skepticism Isn’t Coming from the Pulpit

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“Conservative pastors and leaders are encouraging the shot while the people in the pews have been more divided.” - C.Today

Beth Moore apologizes for her role in elevating ‘complementarian’ theology that limits women leaders

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“In an email to Religion News Service, Moore didn’t go quite so far as to say she has entirely abandoned complementarianism. But she no longer sees it as essential.” - RNS

Related (Washington Post): On the heels of her split with Southern Baptists, Beth Moore apologizes for supporting a theology that restricts women

The Post-Pandemic Small Groups Boom Is on the Way!

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“The church did not ‘close,’ because the church is a body of believers — not a building, not a service, not an institution…. But Zoom fatigue set in quickly. I predict there’s a coming small groups boom, because online groups are just not the same as in-person groups. Right now you are in an unprecedented moment” - C.Leaders

Christ-centered Nonprofits and Churches Ended 2020 Surprisingly Well

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“85% said cash giving in 2020 came rather close to 2019 cash giving numbers—with a sizable portion of that group saying that 2020’s cash giving ended higher than 2019’s.” - C.Today

They Profess to Know God: Do They Know Him? (Part 2)

Forrest McPhail ⁃

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.


This is the second of three articles exploring these truths:

More Americans are wondering about the meaning and purpose of life

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“A study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research finds, compared to a decade ago, U.S. adults today are more likely to regularly wonder about meaning and purpose in this life but less likely to strongly believe finding a higher meaning and purpose is important.” - BPNews

BJU Art + Design Calls for Entries in Calligraphy Show

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“BJU alumni, former faculty members and artists from the Carolinas are invited to participate in the third BJU Division of Art + Design Legacy Series exhibition entitled ‘Palimpsest: Exploring Contemporary Calligraphy.’” - BJU Today

IU Head Football Coach Tom Allen to Present at MBU Business Breakfast

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“Allen, a Maranatha alumnus, is in his 5th year at the helm of the IU Football program. Allen is the 2020 American Football Coaches Association National Coach of the Year…. Additionally, he received the 2020 Grant Teaff Coach of the Year from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.” - MBU

InterVarsity Wins Suit Against Wayne State

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“UPDATE: University’s nondiscrimination policy unconstitutionally discriminated against the campus ministry.” - C.Today

Related: Michigan university can’t punish Christian club for requiring leaders be Christian, judge rules

“Every generation is tempted to forfeit an essential component of orthodox trinitarianism. Our generation is no exception.”

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“Taking its cue from social redefinitions of the Trinity, evangelicals have redefined the Trinity as a society, one in which each person has his own center of consciousness and will. As a result, a core doctrine like inseparable operations is foreign to many and sometimes held in disregard.” - Credo