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Scottish church leaders overjoyed as judge rules church ban 'unlawful'

SI Filings ⁃

“Handing down judgment on Wednesday, Lord Braid said the Scottish rules were a disproportionate interference of Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.” - C.Today

SBC's National African American Fellowship speaks out against, "delegitimizing and dismissing the lived experiences of African Americans."

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NAAF “has released a statement addressing recent statements from the SBC Council of Seminary Presidents. It’s an important statement, that will merit response from the SBC seminary presidents, and consideration of SBC leaders.” - C.Today

“Protestant churchgoers (86%) say they are proud of how their church has responded during the coronavirus pandemic”

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“Most churchgoers experienced some type of back-and-forth with the availability of in-person services. For 3 in 10 (31%), in-person services stopped at their church for a short period of time and have since resumed. Another 22% say in-person services were halted for much of the year but have resumed.” - LifeWay

No Taste or Smell

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“Not having taste or smell has been one of the strangest experiences of my life. I had no symptoms of Covid until I couldn’t smell garlic bread! ….How many of us have lost our ‘taste and desire’ for God’s Word?” - Treg Spicer

HT: Proclaim & Defend

Preparing for Passover

Paul J. Scharf ⁃

When you represent The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, there is sort of an unwritten rule that you will present Passover Seder demonstrations in the spring, leading up to Easter.

Notice that I am careful to point out the fact that these are educational presentations. We are not mandating that the church return to the Mosaic Law and reinstate the Passover. However, there is so much that we can learn from the wonderfully rich heritage behind this festival—which I call the world’s oldest holiday.

Canadian father who objected to daughter taking testosterone for sex change denied release from jail

SI Filings ⁃

“A five-day trial for Hoogland on a similar but separate contempt of court charge is scheduled to begin on April 12. During that trial, Hoogland is expected to be allowed to share his side of the story unrestrained by orders restricting his freedom of speech, according to sources.” - C.Post

Facing Defamation, Sidney Powell Says 'No Reasonable Person' Thought Her Election Fraud Claims Were Fact

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“Dominion Voting Systems in January sued Powell over her statements alleging the voting company helped rig the election against then-President Donald Trump.” - NLJ

Study: Today’s Pastoral Counseling Is More Fluent in Psychology

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“…a February article in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion documents trends in the way pastors wrote about their role as counselors as it became commonplace for people to turn to psychologists rather than spiritual leaders with their problems.” - C.Today

Why Do We Add to Our Trouble?

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“We are so often drawn to bad news more than good, to evidences of depravity more than evidences of grace. Why then should we be surprised that our feet grow heavy, that our pace begins to falter?” - Challies

The Human Distinction

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“Transhumanism says that carbon as flesh is weak and carbon as mechanism is strong; at its most fundamentalist it preaches an eschaton of singularity, the upload of our minds—reduced or assumed to be ones and zeros—on immortal circuitries.” - TAC

Will Gender Chaos Close Our Camps or Affect Youth Ministry?

Ed Vasicek ⁃

What will happen when campers at a Christian camp are influenced by other campers with gender dysphoria? Or when a biological boy registers as a girl and vice-versa? Will churches be able to escape federal mandates based upon our convictions, or will we be forced to play along or be closed?

This concern has been going through my mind, and I am wondering about the future of age-segregated ministry, particularly ministry that involves youth outside the church. But these issues can arise inside the church as well. Are we up fo fighting lawsuits?

According to USA Today:

Reconstructing Faith in a Deconstructing Culture

SI Filings ⁃

“One of the trends I’ve noticed when it comes to matters of faith deconstruction is that many of those who talk about their deconstructions have deconstructed from the worst parts of Christian subculture, and rightfully so.” - LifeWay

Lassitude: Lockdown fatigue is hard to break out of

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“At some point after post-lockdown onset, I noticed that the less I saw people, the less I wanted to see people. I just got comfortable like a hobbit.” - WORLD

Why We Need the Church to Disciple Our Politics

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“Partisan … advance Christian ends with extrabiblical, and sometimes unbiblical, methods. Silent churches rightly reject the partisan model but embrace a kind of quietism, resulting in silence on political issues about which Christians really do need moral and scriptural guidance.” - TGC

Will Easter resurrect pandemic church attendance? Evangelicals, mostly yes, others not so much

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“More than half of evangelicals will be back in person, but most Catholics and black and mainline Protestants are still waiting to return.” - C.Today

Related: Pew Research report

From the Archives: On Being Generous

Dean Taylor ⁃

This article is an add-in to the series of posts on Tipping, Tithing, and Grace Giving. As I have continued to study what the Scriptures say about grace giving, I have seen an emphasis on generosity through both the Old and New Testaments. Grace giving is by definition generous.

Is mixing religion and politics leading to rise of the 'nones'?

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“The marrying of religion and politics among conservatives to create the well-known and powerful religious right that forms a voting bloc for the Republican Party has led some Americans to abandon their ties to the Christian faith and join the ranks of secularists, scholars argue in a new book.” - C.Post

Atlanta murders: Georgia church condemns ‘extreme and wicked’ actions of member, initiates church discipline

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“Elders at Crabapple First Baptist Church condemned both the ‘extreme and wicked’ actions and the purported motives of a church member who allegedly killed eight people in a series of shootings, calling them a direct contradiction of his professed faith in Christ and the church’s teachings.” - BPNews

9 Things You Should Know About the Dead Sea Scrolls

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Last week, “Israeli archaeologists announced the discovery of dozens of Dead Sea Scroll fragments bearing biblical texts. The fragments of parchment include lines of Greek text from the books of Zechariah and Nahum. Based on the writing style, they have been dated to around the first century AD.” - TGC

In Consideration of Our Gendered Selves

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“Almost thirty years since its first printing, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus is still a top seller. There are also many other popular books like it. There is a reason for this…” - Scott Sauls

Protecting the Common Good Must Include Religious Freedom

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“…some U.S. leaders have in recent years been referring to “freedom of worship” rather than “religious freedom.” That might seem unimportant but it is actually very significant. The freedom to worship is the freedom to practice religion in one’s home or house of worship, privately. But the free exercise of religion is the freedom to speak and to act in public on the basis of one’s beliefs.” - IFWE

The Biblical Worldview (Against All Others)

Paul Henebury ⁃


Let me begin with a few lines from T. S. Eliot:

Endless invention, endless experiment,
Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness;
Knowledge of speech, but not of silence;
Knowledge of words, but ignorance of the Word.
All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance,
All our ignorance brings us nearer to death, But nearness to death no nearer to God.
Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? (Choruses from ‘The Rock’)

I want to add to this the words of Jesus in John 8:12:

Many Adventists Believe You Must Be Vegan to Be Saved

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“As the church’s global growth continues, leaders must disentangle its ‘health message’ from views on salvation.” - C.Today

Canadian father jailed after publicly objecting to minor daughter taking testosterone

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“A father who has long objected to his minor daughter taking testosterone as part of an experimental gender transition has been jailed in British Columbia for contempt of court.” - C.Post

To Those Who are Frustrated with the Church

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“It was Augustine who described the church as ‘a hospital for sinners.’ He said it would be very strange if people were to criticize hospitals because the patients were sick.” - Colin Smith

On Deconversion

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“Is it possible that we have a generation of people who grew up in Christian homes and made a ‘decision’ that you’d have to be an idiot to say no to, but have never felt the convicting work of the Holy Spirit and the drawing (and keeping) power of the Father, the covenant-keeping God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?” - Olinger

LifeWay Research: U.S. Protestant Pastors See Gender Change as Immoral

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“As gender fluidity grows more accepted in wider culture, most Protestant pastors remain traditional.” - C.Today

A Few Good Reasons for Christians to Back COVID Vaccination

Aaron Blumer ⁃

Though reluctance toward COVID vaccination seems to be on the decline, Pew Research found that evangelicals are among the most hesitant in the U.S.