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Good book on Preaching the Psalms

TylerR ⁃

In his splendid book, How to Preach the Psalms, Kenneth Langley’s burden is not to teach you how to interpret the psalms. Plenty of folks have already done that. Nor is it about exegesis―there are already far too many guides to what Abraham Kuruvilla maligns as a “hermeneutic of excavation.”1 Instead, Langley’s aim is to help pastors preach the psalms as the literary treasures they are.2

How It Ends... Living in the Now—Patient Endurance

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“It’s those with long experience who are in a position to “keep calm and carry on”—to focus on executing the fundamentals when it looks like the other team is just going to run up the score. To be the tortoise rather than the hare.” - Olinger

Identity: A Biblical Worldview of Yourself (Part 2: Biblical Teaching)

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“I am going to give you answers to basic questions about identity from the only person who has the authority to answer them, the authority to tell you who you are: God himself.” - Ward

6 Reasons to Rejoice over Recent Research on Bible Engagement

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“The research reveals some troubling and concerning trends, which I will share in an upcoming post, but the research also provides many reasons to be encouraged – both as a ministry leader and as a Christian who reads the Scripture.” - Geiger

A Fascinating New Way to Read through the Bible

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“This year, we’re fascinated by a new entry in the read-through-the-Bible category, The NLT Daily Readers Bible… We think you, even as a longtime Bible reader, will find this new Bible to be a rich and valuable new reading experience.” - Jim Jewell

$2.5M Pro-Life Ad Campaign Seeks to Change Minds on Abortion: 'Follow the Science'

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“The ads will air on broadcast and cable stations in Washington, D.C., including CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox News, Newsmax, CNBC, and CNN. The ads also will be part of a text and digital ad campaign in nine battleground states.” - C.Headlines

Biblical Roles of Men & Women in the Church, Part 1

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Todd Kinde

A biblical theology of manhood and womanhood within the church can be approached in a couple of ways. One way is to determine from Scripture what a man or a woman can or cannot do in the life and ministry of the local church. A second way is to discern what man and woman are to be within the local church. Who one is determines what one does, while what one does defines who one is. With this premise in mind, this article will begin by gleaning the Scripture for truths regarding our being, then truths regarding our doing.

Catholic bishops greenlight Communion document, but don’t single out politicians

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“Lay people who exercise some form of public authority have a special responsibility to form their consciences in accord with the Church’s faith and the moral law, and to serve the human family by upholding human life and dignity.” - RNS

How Should We Think Biblically About End-of-Life Care?

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“In this episode of TGC Q&A, the fifth in our six-week series on faith and work, Bill Davis answers the question, ‘How should we think biblically about end-of-life care?’” - TGC

Russia added to State Department list of worst religious liberty violators

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“This Administration is committed to supporting every individual’s right to freedom of religion or belief, including by confronting and combating violators and abusers of this human right.” - RNS

Research suggests today's devout Christians are more strongly opposed to premarital sex

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“Since 2008, among never-married individuals under age 35 who attend religious services more than monthly, the rate of sexlessness has risen from about 20% to nearly 60% in 2021.” - C.Today

Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children

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“Let’s face it, both marriage and child-rearing are difficult and often arduous tasks that requires more than many are willing to give in today’s hyper-individualistic world.” - Grayson Gilbert

Why I’m Inviting John Leland to Thanksgiving Debates About Christian America

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“Congregationalists and Anglicans at the time appealed to the state’s authority to uphold religious doctrine….the truth needed protection from the government. Leland, along with other Baptists and evangelicals at the time, rejected this.” - CToday

Tensions behind World magazine's move to push Olasky out of his editor's chair

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“There is, of course, no way to leave Donald Trump out of this story, with Olasky submitting his resignation (he was planning to retire next summer) after a coup in the World board after several years of tensions.” - GetReligion

“How are the lyrics of our worship music forming us?”

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“It matters whether those who lead us in song see their task as creating a mood or a memory. If primarily a mood, lyrics can take a back seat …. If primarily a memory, the lyrics are critically important. Like the Psalms, they should be able to stand on their own, combined with music or not.” - CToday

Why the minichurch is the latest trend in American religion

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“Cornerstone is part of the fastest-growing group of congregations in America: the minichurch. According to the recently released Faith Communities Today study, half of the congregations in the United States have 65 people or fewer, while two-thirds of congregations have fewer than 100.” - RNS

Why Some Support Abortion (Even When They Know It’s Wrong)

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“A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that 60 percent of Americans support the Supreme Court upholding Roe v. Wade while only 27 percent want the abortion precedent overturned. This majority support is even found in the 26 states where abortion bans and restrictions would be implemented if Roe is reversed.” - TGC

The Christian Peacemaker Who Left a Trail of Trauma

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“Judy Dabler built a career helping reconcile conflict within ministries including RZIM and Mars Hill. But a new investigation says she abused her authority to protect those with power.” - CToday

Increasing Compromise at BJU...?

W. T. O'Harver ⁃


Here is the post that Lou Martuneac released the first of this month. I have not been reading his blog as actively as I once did, but I found this to be an intriguing read.

The most amazing part of the article is that David Beale no longer considers Bob Jones University to be Fundamentalist in character. He knows it better than most, for, if I remember correctly, he taught there for decades under the Bob Joneses themselves.

At John Hagee's church, chants of 'let's go Brandon;' Michael Flynn calls for only one religion in America

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Flynn: “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.” - RNS

The Post-Pandemic Opportunity to Rethink Work Biblically

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“Idol or idle: Gilbert’s book, co-written with Sebastian Traeger, identifies two main categories of sinful thinking Christians can fall into concerning work” - Lifeway

ND bans critical race theory from public schools, requires curriculum be 'factual, objective'

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“HB 1508 creates a new section to chapter 15.1-21 of the North Dakota Century Code, stating that school districts ‘may not include instruction relating to critical race theory in any portion of the district’s required curriculum.’” - CPost

15 Preaching Quotes for Thanksgiving

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“400 years of American history, coupled with the full history of the church worldwide, provides us with plenty of preaching quotes for Thanksgiving. Here is a small sampling of preaching quotes” - C.Leaders

Why 'Let’s go Brandon' has no place in a Christian’s life

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“…something happened to me when I saw an advertisement for ‘Let’s go Brandon’ apparel and thought about buying it. Out of nowhere, a thought popped into my head: ‘Honor the king’ (1 Pet. 2:17).” - Robin Schumacher

Among many U.S. children, reading for fun has become less common, federal data shows

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“The shares of American 9- and 13-year-olds who say they read for fun on an almost daily basis have dropped from nearly a decade ago and are at the lowest levels since at least the mid-1980s” - Pew

Stop Trying to Be Cool

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“Terms like ‘seeker’ and ‘emergent’ and ‘missional’ and ‘relevant’ and ‘contemporary’ have all at various times found their way into the evangelical lexicon….they all grapple with a perennial matter namely: How does the church relate to the culture?” - Ken Brown

The Ever-Changing Definition of a Fundamentalist

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“…while separation over the fundamentals is biblical and necessary, the fundamental doctrines of the faith are not the ONLY legitimate reasons for separation and whether a person (or church or institution) is fundamentalist or not must not be the only consideration in view.” - P&D