Is Hyper-Cessationism a Fair Term? A Response to Scott Aniol, G3, Etc.
“although we could quibble over whether we agree with the divines on this issue, or whether we agree with Poythress’ understanding of how it all works, it is clear that the ‘circumstantial’ usage of revelation was a recognized fact in the 17th century Reformed world. There was a type of ‘two-tier’ revelation going on.” - Ref21
I agree with Scott that there are not two tiers of revelation. If the reformers believed in that, then I think they were mistaken (as they were on some other matters). Even if they came up with the term, cessationism, that doesn't mean we can't refine the understanding of that concept to more fully align with scripture that it seems the original coiners of the term were. By using the prefix, hyper, that implies someone is extreme and going beyond what scripture teaches. I don't think that is a fair designation for someone who does not believe in two tiers of revelation.
Having said all that...I do think God leads us and gives direction for life decisions, but I would not call that revelation. I would say God moves our heart towards where He wants us to go, as we are in his Word and living in obedience to him (cf., Psa 37:4). That is not revelation, and because our hearts can be deceived, it is not infallible.