The First Best-Selling Bible: A Reformation Story


“Although it was immediately banned by Duke George of Saxony, Frederick’s cousin, the September Testament received the warmest of welcomes by the populace. It sold an unprecedented 3,000 copies or more in its first run” - Word by Word


On the Last Day of October

I love this time of year!

The weather can vary widely where I live in south central Wisconsin. It could resemble anything from August to January. More often than not, however, late October offers fascinating reminders of the beauty of God’s creation. The sun glazes the fields as it rises at dawn, and then again as it sets just before dusk, delivering stunningly opulent rays of color. What a wonderful time to go for a walk! Deer and all manner of wildlife dance over a year’s worth of crops ready for the harvest—the signs, sights, sounds and smells of which are all around us.


Doctrine on full display: Francis Turretin turns 400


“His was a day of religious turmoil. Not only were various Protestants, Catholics, and Anabaptists at odds with each other, but all those broad groups had controversies within their own ranks that had to be sorted out” - WORLD


Three Reasons I Love October 31st

October 31st is one of my favorite days of the year! The reason I take joy in it is not because I love visiting haunted houses, corn mazes or costume parties.

When I see a reference to the evil and horror that our culture celebrates on that day, I have to admit—it does draw me in. But not for the reasons one might expect. I do not relish the “fear of death,” or the “bondage” that accompanies it (Heb. 2:15).


Scripture Alone? What the Reformers Really Believed


“The Reformation didn’t ‘really say’ there were five solas. …Earlier Lutheran attempts at marketing only offered three: Scripture alone, grace alone, and faith alone. …When Philip Schaff wrote his 1845 book The Principle of Protestantism, he only had two.” - Desiring God


Stream the Luther Documentary for Free


“As we remember the impact of the Protestant Reformation this October, you can stream Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer for free on Ligonier’s YouTube channel.” - Ligonier


The Reformation at 500: The September Testament

As we continue to follow the events of the Reformation, 500 years later, we would be remiss if we failed to recall that half of a millennium has now passed since the dawn of the modern era of Bible translation. It began officially this month in 1522 with the release of the September Testament—the New Testament translated by Dr. Martin Luther into a language that he helped to form in Germany.


The Reformation at 500: Luther’s Stay at the Wartburg (Part 2)

Read the series.

Those who love holding a Bible in their hands—which they can read in their own language—should be aware of and grateful for the monumental importance of Dr. Martin Luther’s 10-month stay at the Wartburg Castle in 1521 and 1522.

It was during this time that Luther first translated the New Testament into German—in just 11 weeks! In so doing, he literally began the modern era of Bible translation.
