Is Hyper-Cessationism a Fair Term? A Response to Scott Aniol, G3, Etc.


“although we could quibble over whether we agree with the divines on this issue, or whether we agree with Poythress’ understanding of how it all works, it is clear that the ‘circumstantial’ usage of revelation was a recognized fact in the 17th century Reformed world. There was a type of ‘two-tier’ revelation going on.” - Ref21


From the Archives: A Wonderful Creationist Heritage

It is so important that we focus on God’s perspective concerning ultimate origins. Human theories, hypotheses, speculations and opinions come and go. But the God “who cannot lie” (NKJV, Tit. 1:2), who was there when the world began, has written a perfect book—the Bible—which He requires that we read and believe (Rom. 10:17).

Let us think, then, about the vital and blessed heritage that Christians enjoy as we understand the truths of creationism.
