Christ and His Kingdom, Not Politics, Should Be the Central Fixture of Our Focus
“Of course, we should look over the candidates carefully and prayerfully consider the issues and where they stand, and what kind of character they demonstrate…. Still, we dare not set our hopes on the Republican or Democratic parties or candidates, or Independents, but upon the only One who can save us” - Randy Alcorn
Thank you, Randy, for the article. I can connect with the question you ask in the following paragraph about hypocrisy, and it is a great reminder for continuing reflection on my part. I strive to follow the rest of that paragraph as well but know I need God's help since I so often come short. Pray I do better-that we all do better.
So, why, then, am I devoting a column to the subject of evangelicals and politics? Am I a hypocrite for penning such a column? Evangelical Christians need to be able to conduct their affairs as evangelical Christians without letting the external commentary swallow up the good work that is happening in evangelical churches or the political circus from distracting us from what makes us evangelicals: a fervent belief in the good news of Jesus Christ and His life-transforming power.
The scripture at the end of the article was encouraging as well.