Resolve to Rest, Not Rot


“Oxford University Press’s 2024 word of the year is … ‘brain rot.’ The term is not new. Henry David Thoreau first used it in his 1854 book Walden to refer to the devaluing of complex ideas in favor of simple ones.” - Breakpoint


Lonely in a Crowd


“None of us are alone. Far from it. In fact, we often wish we had more free time. Yet we still feel lonely. Why?” - Ref21


The New Year’s Prayer Challenge


“An hour of prayer is a reasonable expectation. Prayer will provide increased spiritual power. And when we pray, we wage war against the flesh.” - Cripplegate


Humility: A Model Worth Emulating (Part 1)

In Philippians 2, there is an overarching theme of unity the church with the more specific application of obedience that points toward our need for humility. But humility is a slippery thing. When you say you have it, you do not.

In this article, I want to turn our attention to our need to follow the model the Lord Jesus Christ laid out. We need to be humble, and this is shown when we humble ourselves in obedience before the Lord Jesus. Concerning this and the danger of false humility, Charles Spurgeon has written:


Biblical Optimism for the New Year


“No Christian should be a pessimist. We should be realists—focused on the actuality that we serve a sovereign and gracious God. Because of the reality of Christ’s atoning sacrifice and His promises, biblical realism is, ultimately, optimism.” - Randy Alcorn


Psalm 90: New Year’s Resolutions for Every Day

Of the 150 psalms that constitute the largest book in the Bible, Moses penned only one, so we approach Psalm 90 with particular interest. What was so significant about the prayer of this one who spoke face to face with God (Exodus 33:11), that his prayer would later be included in this important collection?


The 2025 Christian Reading Challenge


“Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2025 Christian Reading Challenge is designed to help you read more and broaden the scope of your reading.” - Challies


The Problem with Us

This is a series of brief devotional articles on The Orthodox Catechism (“OC”), a Particular Baptist document written by Baptist pastor Hercules Collins in 1680. Read the series.

Question 2 from the Orthodox Catechism told us that one of the three things we must know to have the comfort that we belong to Jesus is “how great my sin and misery are.” We’re in very great trouble, and we can’t get out of it. If that’s true, then …
