The second coming of Doug Wilson


“Last month, onetime Fox News host Tucker Carlson sat in his cabin-like studio and introduced a bearded, 70-year-old Idaho pastor named Doug Wilson as the person ‘most closely identified’ with Christian nationalism, calling him one of the ‘rare’ clergy ‘willing to engage on questions of culture and politics.’” - RNS


Fighting for the Church in a Time of Crisis: The Barmen Declaration


“Ninety years ago, a document was drawn up by faithful Protestant Christians to proclaim their stand against the Nazi state’s attempt to coopt the church and pervert its teachings. It remains both a herald and a witness for the faithful today.” - Acton


How Pop Nietzscheanism Masquerades as Christianity


“The threat to religious liberty remains and has indeed expanded, but a new one has also emerged: the temptation to combat this by fusing Christianity with worldly forms of power and worldly ways of achieving the same.” - Carl Trueman


Cultural Evangelical: A State Level Analysis


“For cultural evangelicals, they reject one leg of the stool—the behavioral piece. For them, evangelicalism is primarily about tribal belonging (and perhaps some vague belief in the teachings of the Bible).” - Ryan Burge
