The Baptists and the Bill of Rights


“Because the Bible teaches that individuals, not the state or some other entity, are accountable for themselves to God, Leland and the Baptists believed in the rights of conscience….They also believed in separation of church and state.” - P&D


Political Participation is a Biblical Stewardship


“People’s hearts and minds are not changed by politics. But political and social engagement do impact the environment in which we can freely spread the gospel, and that is a stewardship we must honor.” - P&D


What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism?

By Andrés Reyes

Imagine that the mayor of your town comes to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Imagine you are the one to lead the mayor to Christ. What counsel would you give this new believer as the next steps of obedience in his or her newfound faith in Christ? Many of us would correctly instruct the mayor to attend a good church.


The Political Sermons We Need in 2024


“How do we ‘fear not’ during such fearful times? How do we not let the ‘sun go down’ on our political anger?… How do we love those we fear or hate?…How do we love those who fear or hate us?” - Providence


Understanding Christian Nationalism


“In this brief survey of Christian Nationalism, I hope to answer six questions: What is Christian Nationalism? Why is Christian Nationalism surging? Is Christian Nationalism biblical? Can Baptists embrace Christian Nationalism?…” - P&D
