Year’s top findings from State of the Bible 2023


“Online church attendees read the Bible more than onsite worshipers. Nonbelievers outpace Christians in valuing several pro-social Bible-based behaviors. And Black Americans are more spiritually vibrant than whites and Hispanics.” - BPNews


ACLU is suing D.C. transit on behalf of David Barton's Wallbuilders


“The ACLU and First Liberty Institute have represented clients on opposite sides several times in the past….The two organizations collaborated in this suit to show the court it was not a “partisan issue, but really an issue of free speech for everybody” - RNS


Hamas Must be Delegitimized Even As it is Destroyed


“questioning whether prisoner exchanges are prudent is not to question the intrinsic value of the hostages…. But it is to observe that the prisoner exchanges—like the paying of any kind of ransom—does nothing to disincentivize further hostage-taking.” - Providence
