Gallup: Americans' Views of Marijuana Effects Worsen

“However, U.S. adults view marijuana as less harmful to users than tobacco, nicotine and alcohol” - Gallup


I think a lot has to do with how much people are actually exposed to it or exposed to people who use it. A few years ago there was a huge push for legalization and I knew people who really had not been around it much and figured it was not a big deal to legalize marijuana. They were simply basing their decisions off the propaganda of the time. The people who had been around users, or had used in the past, tended to be opposed unless they were current users. Those people also tended to be much more skeptical of the propaganda because it did not match up with their observations. Today, marijuana use is much more widespread than it has been in a long time and people are better able to see what it does and are not as easily convinced by the propaganda.