The CHRINO: Christian in Name Only ... 60%?


“I cannot know the hearts of men and women. But is it fair to make an estimate? … Can we really provide the number of CHRINOs in America, even if it’s not precise? I think the answer to all of those questions is ‘yes.’” - Thom Rainer


The Rise of the Non-Christian “Evangelical”


“Fourteen percent of Muslims say that they are evangelical - it’s the same percentage as Roman Catholics. Even 12% of those identifying as nothing in particulars and Hindus say that they are evangelicals!” - Ryan Burge


1-in-3: A Record Share of Young Adults Will Never Marry


“Many commentators will blame these declines on the increased delay in marriage…. the situation is extreme at higher ages, too. As the figure below shows, ever-married shares today are at historic lows for 35-year-old and 45-year-old men and women.” - IFS
