Supreme Court declines to force states’ implementation of new Title IX rule

“The rule change went into effect Aug. 1 in states that agreed with it, but for more than half of U.S. states, it did not. At least 26 U.S. attorneys general have filed suit over the change, arguing it violates their states’ laws regarding transgender students participating in athletics.” - Baptist Press

Discussion that when Title IX (all 28 words of it or so) was passed, "sex" meant "biological sex", though there was such a thing as transitioning back then. If anyone back then said "well, I think I'm a girl and I ought to be showering with the girls", the response would have been "you and the rest of your fraternity, I'm sure", and if the matter were pressed further, the young man would have been expelled.

Not trying to be cruel to "trans" people, but the law simply notes that it protects people by "sex", not "gender identity". Even the liberal wing of the court agreed with that.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.