J.D. Greear and the Rejection of Partisanship, but Not Politics


“The new president of the Southern Baptist Convention became the youngest member (45) elected head in decades last month, winning 69 percent of a convention vote with unusually high turnout from young and first-time attendees.


More Than 100 Civil and Human Rights Groups Demand Senate Reject Kavanaugh


“More than 100 civil and human rights groups wrote a letter to the Senate on Tuesday demanding that Congress reject Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The letter was headed by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, which has over 200 member groups, and was signed by over 100 groups.” - NReview


Why Catholics and Jews dominate at the Supreme Court


“Kavanaugh’s inclusion on the court would preserve the Catholic majority, with six justices reared and formed in that tradition. (Neil Gorsuch attends an Episcopal Church but grew up Catholic and attended the same Catholic high school as Kavanaugh.)” - RNS
