How Did Wellness Become Our New Religion?


“In place of religion, we now have spirituality (or pseudo-spirituality). Instead of church, we do elaborate #selfcaresunday rituals. We get baptized at Burning Man. We pay tithings to yoga studios. Wellness has in many ways become our new religion, with practitioners, instructors, and coaches its priests, imams, and rabbis.” - Quartzy


Children Are Now Being Euthanized in Belgium


“Three minors have been euthanised in Belgium since euthanasia for children was legalised in 2014. According to the latest report from the government agency which tracks euthanasia deaths, the children were 9, 11 and 17 years old. Two died in 2016 and 1 last year.” - Intellectual Takeout


Boys and Girls Are Different — Let’s Celebrate That


“I have two children. Our four-year-old is a girl; her two-year-old brother is a boy. I know these things because I have a functioning inferior temporal cortex. Apparently, the editors at the BBC do not.” - NReview
