Welfare states cultivate the sin of sloth


“[A] a job provides, not just an income, but also a sense of purpose. It is not government handouts or parental support that make young people happy, but personal responsibility and a deep-seated conviction that the fruits of one’s labor make the world a better place.” - Acton Institute


Why Americans go to church -- and why they don't


Pew Research: “More than 6 in 10 (61 percent) list that as their primary reason. Two-thirds attend to provide a moral foundation for their kids (69 percent), to become a better person (68 percent), or to find comfort in times of trouble (66 percent).” - BPNews


The DOJ’s Religious-Liberty Task Force Is a Breath of Fresh Air


“Promptly following the announcement, a cyber-mob inadvertently confirmed the importance of the new initiative. Participants practically trampled each other in a mad dash to denounce the Religious Liberty Task Force as the latest sign that the end is nigh.” - N. Review


Your Life Is Not Boring


“As if living on a giant sphere spinning at 1,000 miles per hour, while orbiting around a gargantuan fireball at about 67,000 miles per hour, in a solar system that’s traveling around the Milky Way at over 500,000 miles per hour, while the galaxy itself is hurtling through space at more than 1.3 million miles per hour is just sort of ho-hum.” - Your Life Is Not Boring
