Want to Live? Canada Will Help You Die Instead


“A Canadian man, Roger Foley, with a degenerative brain condition is suing a hospital, two healthcare agencies, and both the Ontario and Canadian governments for denying his right to ‘assisted life’” Foley claims health officials have ‘refused his request to live at home and be in charge of directing his own care.’ Instead, he’s been offered euthanasia” - AiG


The first axiom of Christian economics


“The Principle: #1 – Because everything in creation belongs to God, man is never more than a steward and must act accordingly.” - Acton


Movies push messages, and they're rarely morally sound


“There was a time, believe it or not, when filmmakers were literally bound by contract to produce films that were morally and ethically sound. Even Hollywood producers knew the messages people absorb via film, television, and music are hugely impactful — and they took their influence seriously.” - W. Examiner


Do you agree with MacArthur that " This recent ...quest of 'social justice' is [a] dangerous threat"?

John MacArthur is a key player, respected by conservative evangelicals and often fundamentalists, too. I greatly respect the man.

I appreciate his resistance to fads and consider them a sign of shallowness and superficiality. Rather than pilgrims and strangers, we are more like Lot, settling in Sodom.

Fads often burn out, or involve “tokenism.” We say what we are supposed to say, participate in an event or two, and our responsibility in that matter has been fulfilled and we move on to the next fad, the previous fad soon forgotten.
