Gallup poll: how Americans really feel about the mainstream media


“’Most U.S. adults, including more than 9 in 10 Republicans, say they personally have lost trust in the news media in recent years. At the same time, 69 percent of those who have lost trust say that trust can be restored,’ the analysis says, noting that the biggest criticisms were lack of accuracy and bias.” - W. Times


Charismatic weirdness


Holy Spirit Blessing in a funny way

The Lord was showing us that HE can be Very Entertaining, and in the process Burn up our Fleshly Pride, AND give us an OUTSTANDING Blessing All at the Same time!! I felt like i was in a ‘Tube’ of the Holy Spirit and the More I pressed down, the More Holy Spirit was released into me - it was AWESOME


9/11 17 years on


9/11 17 years on:

  • Where were you?
  • How did you hear about?
  • Did it change your life?
  • The lives of your children?
  • And more
