On Abortion, Don’t Fight Crazy With Crazy


“Jack Posobiec is an on-air personality at One America News and has been a prominent part of a wide variety of … crazy conspiracies that self-respecting pro-lifers should want absolutely nothing to do with. Whether it’s Pizzagate, the murder of Seth Rich, or doxxing Roy Moore’s accusers, Posobiec is in the thick of it.” - Bulwark


'Alive from New York': Pro-lifers rally in Times Square


“Estimates of 20,000 people gathered for an event called “Alive from New York” that was designed by Focus on the Family to celebrate the sanctity of human life in response to New York state’s radical new abortion law that allows abortion of viable babies right up until the moment of birth.” - BPNews


The Manhattan Declaration 10 Years On


“2019 is the ten-year anniversary of a statement that drew the line for Christians on three central issues: life, marriage, and religious liberty…. Half-a-million Christians signed on.” - BreakPoint


One-on-One with Ronnie Floyd on the National Day of Prayer


Floyd: “We are expecting thousands upon thousands of public gatherings across all 50 states that will pray for a ‘Love One Another’ movement to sweep over America — from our homes to our churches, communities, local governments, Congress, the White House and beyond.” - Christianity Today


ADL study: Violence against Jews doubled last year


“In all, 59 Jews were physically assaulted because of their religion in 2018, up from 21 in 2017. By comparison, there were 1,066 cases of harassment, an increase of 5% from 2017” - RNS
