Maine effectively legalizes assisted suicide


“Maine will join seven other states and the District of Columbia in allowing medical aid in dying. The legislation says mentally competent patients over age 18 with terminal diseases that, ‘within reasonable medical judgment, produce death within 6 months’ can request life-ending medication.” - CNN


Vatican rejects people choosing, changing genders


“Even priestly advocates for LGBT Catholics noted that the text appeared to have relied entirely on previous papal pronouncements, Vatican documents and philosophers and theologians.” - Fox


Anti-religious hostility takes aim at foster care and adoption agencies


“….several state governments — spurred on by LGBT activist groups — are seeking to shut down some of the most effective foster care and adoption providers in the country. The reason? These providers believe that children do best in homes with a married mother and father” - Acton


“Today, conservative forces concerned with freedom and virtue are pulling apart.”


“The catalyst is a sprawling coalition of self-described nationalists, Catholic integralists, protectionists, economic planners, and others who are increasingly rallying around something called “post-liberal” conservativism. By “liberal,” they don’t mean contemporary progressivism as represented by the Democratic party.


The IRS needs to audit the Catholic Church


“In the ordinary non-profit world, there are checks and balances on these things. There are boards which hold officers accountable for their actions. There are auditors… But things are very different in a Catholic context.” - Washington Examiner
