UN launches plan to combat escalating hate speech


“Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is launching a plan to combat hate speech and counter what he calls ‘a groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance, violent misogyny, anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred’ around the world.” - Fox


SCOTUS Sends Gay-Wedding-Cake Case Back to State Court


“The Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a case involving an Oregon bakery that refused to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding… foregoing an opportunity to clarify its position on the matter after ruling narrowly in favor of a Colorado baker in a similar case last year.” - National Review


Pew Research: 88% of Americans believe the Catholic church has not solved its abuse and cover-up problem


“Roughly half of survey respondents say sexual abuse and misconduct is more common among Catholic priests and bishops than among leaders in other religious traditions (48%), while a nearly identical share say abuse is equally common among leaders in other religions (47%). Just 3% say abuse is less common in the Catholic Church than in other religious traditions.” - Pew
